Take a Breath

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Author's Note:The Bolt and italian parts are Jade's thoughts on Ward's Pov and Bolt and Underlined are Ward's on Jade's Pov  and only italian personal thoughts of their own characters on their POV that match to The song Russian Roulette By Rihanna That somehow inspired This Part

Jade's First Pov

Jade was now on the aiming pratice as Ward Talked to Coulson about their latest mission leaving out a few details,Like the kiss They shared,Jade reached the so called heart and head of the target many times until the ammo ran out

May:What were you Thinking Jade?

"I Imagined they were all Ra's Al Ghul"

May:I magine they're all targets this is about controling yourself in critical situations,so don't get cocky

"So you're saying what I did was puny and Sad?"

May:Actually..not that puny

After May left Ward appeared to check on Jade

Take a Breath,Take it deep

Ward's First Pov

"Hey Jade"

-Oh Hi Ward what's up?

"Glad you have improved that aim in a gun"

-Test my aim in a Bow and Arrow I dare you

"Um..No Thank you" She Chuckled lightly at him "I didn't tell Coulson about you and your sisters so be calm"

Calm Yourself..He Says to me

-What's The Hold up? not that I want you to tell asap which I don't but..what changed your mind?

"The Truth?"

-I'd appreciate that

"You did"

-Me? How did I do that?

Just as he was about to answer that Simmons appeared

Simmons:There you two are..it's everything Ok?

-Sure why wouldn't it be?

"Yeah we're good"

Simmons:The Object you both recovered it's actually a serum


Simmons:Come with me

As Both went to the lab Simmons Began speaking

Simmons:It seems just like the centipede solution but instead of the person blowing up it drives them mad

"Oh Crap"

Jade's Pov

"It's Mirakuru

-Say What?

"Mirakuru a Japonese serum for super soldiers or human weapons"

Simmons:You Saw this Before?

"Not Just me"

-She and Oliver Queen

After her nod she sighed

Simmons:Jade I'm so sorry

"It's Fine..There's only one person who knows The Formula to this

Fitz Appeared hearing all the Talk


'I'm Sweating now...'

-Jade who is it?

"A man named Slade Wilson,Oliver's Enemy and now He's probably looking for a new target and He's Targetting Shield for..personal goals"

-Such as? 

"Bringing Oliver Misery.. Even beyond his last breath"

-Oh Man

"I know"

Coulson Appeared

Coulson:A man Named himself Deathstroke is in town

"Slade" she mumbled

and then She ran off

Ward's Pov

"Hey,Where are you going?"

-I'm going to stop Slade

"And Sacrifice yourself? No! I..We Can't lose you Jade"

-You guys won't

Moving slow..

He Had to Go with her it was his duty but Deathstroke had a plan for Grant Ward as well

"Hey..You'll be ok"

-I'm not fearing for myself,I'm fearing for you

"Don't be..I'll be fine" He cupped her face in his hands at impulse "Trust me"

-I do trust you

He followed Jade for leads about Slade Wilson Aka Deathstroke but He was Prepared as his Goons Captured both Jade and Ward

-Ward! Ward are you ok?

"I'm Fine and you?"

Slade Wilson:Hello You two


Slade:I promised your beloved Oliver Misery and what better way to do that than destroying the soul of the one he loved the most

"Oliver Queen is Dead"

Slade:Yes but his legacy remains intact within her

Then Slade brought in One Agent

"Kara..You Son of a Bitch,What do you want?"

Slade:Ruin Her

Slade Grabbed Jade

"No let go of her!"

Then he placed Jade beside Kara

Slade:Time to Choose Agent,Who Lives and who dies but be quick because in 30 Seconds I will shoot them both

No Time To Think

My Turn to go

Jade's Pov

"Ward Look at me hey hey It's ok..Let me go"

Slade:Ten Seconds

-You're Sick Deadly sick

Slade:We'll see..Five Seconds

You can see it though my chest..That I'm Terrified but I'm not leaving

I know That I must Past this Test,So just Pull the trigger

Slade:Time's up

Slade Pointed the gun to Jade's head ready to fire

-No No No Don't!

She couldn't believe it Ward Picked her Over Kara

Slade:Very well then

She Yelled as Slade shot Kara She never Cried so hard since Oliver

-C'mon let's go

"Oh My God"

Instead of going to the bus they went to the apartment


Ward's Final Pov

"I can explain"

-Explain what?! how you disrespected my choice?!

"You were Asking me to let you die,as Your S.O I Can't let that Happen to you"

-And an agent died Instead! someone more important than me!

Jade was crying while speaking

"No One is more important than anybody Jade"

-Then Why?!

Jade's Final Pov

Jade Waited and Waited for a response getting none from Ward which made her go to her room very angry at him and his decision 'He Shouldn't have done that..I was Ready to die!' she thought to herself yet again but wondered 'Why did he chose me over Her?'

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