It's Too Late

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Jade's First POV

She and Ward were Back on The bus and got in Vault D for a private talk,she checked the camera and both stayed out of sight for their private chat

-What do they call you?

"Excuse me?"

-Sara is The White Canary,Laurel is The Black Canary so what are you called huh?

"Besides Pretty Bird?" she smirked remembering his nickname for her "The Grey Canary or The Elite Slayer"

-I like The Grey Canary Codename better

He smiled gently as she did the same

"C'mon..we have to check if Coulson needs us"

Ward's First Pov

He didn't expect for her to remember the nickname but the fact she did made him smile from within and as they both went to Coulson he sensed that they'd grow closer if that was even possible

Coulson: Agent Lance,Agent Ward we recieved coordinates of a certain object hidden in under a bank

Jade Spoke

-Let me guess the bank the bank has a secret vault

"You're Smart Jade"

-Why Thank You

Coulson:She's Right but the Vault has a tunnel of a way out

-Where does it lead to?

She asked and Ward Responded "A hotel not too far from the bank"

Coulson:You Two will be going undercover to get the the object and leave by the hotel exit

-Sir  if it isn't too much to ask I'd wish more time since it's my first mission undercover I get to right to choose my fake name

Coulson: Ok Jade I'll give you that,which name will it be?

- Amanda Le Marchal

"You can speak French?"

- Oui* (Yes)

"Je suis impressionné"* (I'm Impressed)

Coulson:What about you Ward? she picked her name I'll give you the chance to do the Same

"Jason Lacroix"

Jade's Pov

Coulson:In hours Reservations on the hotel will be made under those Aliases for safe keeping get yourselves ready for this

"Yes sir" after that they went to the training zone

-I didn't know you could speak french

"Oh Ward..There's so little about me that you don't know"

-True now that I now most of your secrets..Grey Canary

He Whispered 'Grey Canary' and she couldn't help giggling

"Ward Please..don't do that" was she really blushing?

-Ops my bad

He smiled at seeing her blushing

-Let's get set

"Ok" after a while she placed a red dress under her op suit and took a few breaths,thinking a few times 'You got this on the bag trust yourself and all will be ok' after calming herself she went to ward that was already set "How is it you're already set? what are you,the flash?" Ward Giggled at the Joke

-Not Really but thanks for that,Now Let's do it the item isn't gonna come to us

"Yep we gotta go get it"

Ward's POV

He had finished dressing before Jade surely but he sneaked up on her as she was placing her red dress 'God I really Wanna hold her right there..whoa Ward put it in a box'

"How is it you're already set? what are you,the flash?"

He Really Enjoyed That Joke and the discreet smile that came after,In his mind She was Just a Girl that lost her way after her parents died much like he lost his way when he Attempted to torch his house on his young days but that got him to meet Coulson And Garrett and made him a SHIELD Operative

'Ok Ward enough of memory Lane let's get the Job Done' before going underground Jade spoke to him

-Stay Strong,Jason Lacroix

"You too.Amanda Le Marchal"


Jade's Pov

She was the first to get underground followed by Ward

"I..I remember being in place similar to this" she whispered


Ward Asked

"Oliver and I tried to take something from Malcolm Merlyn..A replacement of the earthquake device"

-Jeez That Guy's a Freak

"You can say that again,he ended up killing his own son using the first machine"She sighed remembering Tommy she had something with him Once if it wasn't for Oliver,They could have been together it was a possibility given his kindness towards her

-You two were close..I'm sorry

"It's ok,Let's Just Find This thing"

Ward's Pov

It was a long search but They did find the searched Item "We gotta go,get the cases"

-Time for Cover

They got changed in the tunnel keeping the suit in Jade's Case and the Item in Ward's once in the hotel both heard footsteps

-Jeez Jeez Jeez Jeez what are we gonna do?

Ward analyzed the situation now it was time to form a short story for their disguise so he gave into temptation and slammed Jade in the Wall and Kissed Her lips she went along trying to see his plan he coaxed her mouth open to taste her and take his cover further the Kiss only stopped when he Heard a Throat clearing

"Pardon,Guess we lost senses of where we were"

-Oui,we are very sorry

The Guard Nodded and left

-Last Minute Plan?

She spoke gaining breath and he nodded and remained quiet as the checked in the hotel with their aliases and stayed in room 7A in complete silence until he spoke

"I'm sorry about that Jade"

-Don't be,I was thinking like a person and I tried to think as an operative,It was a good way out

"Glad you think that" he thought carefully about his words

Jade's Final Pov

"Ever since Oliver died,I was always on guard and when this goes for so long you stop seeing people as people you see threats,Targets.."She looked at him "Then I opened up to you..and you were the first person I got to see as a person,There was just something about you" He smiled at Jade's small speech

-That's why you were so mad at me when I lectured you

"Yeah..Silly Right?"

-Not at all Jade Not at all

in time they were in the Bus once More and each time she found herself thinking about the kiss she tapped her head and mumbled "Focus Jade Focus..don't get attached to him don't get attached" but something spoke back at her ''Too late" but she pushed that away in every chance she could and kept mumbling "Don't get attached" but the voice kept comming back

Too Late..It's Too Late

Ward's Final Pov

Ward Went Back to his bunker and realized he'd need more boxes for his Vigilante recruit and thought to himself over and over Two things 'That was Stupid so so stupid' and the second thought was his usual one 'Keep it in a box'

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