1) The Vlogger's Clip Board

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"Taylor this isn't healthy." Victoria, my older cousin, exclaimed. I looked at her from the upside down position I was currently sitting in and laughed at the humorless expression on her face. She resembled my aunt Katherine in an odd yet interesting way. By not healthy I'm pretty sure she meant the way I was jotting down notes on my clip board and eating blue berries out of a bowl.

It was just something I liked to do when I needed to think. This was slowly becoming a daily activity when I was doing homework.

"Honestly I'm perfectly fine. Just catching up on some literature." I replied smoothly. Victoria had the same look on her face that my mother had only days ago and my aunt Katherine. Frankly I was tired of it.

"Your mom wants you to come to this party at the Art Gallery. She says there will be great opportunities." She chirped while typing eagerly on her phone. I rolled my eyes, my mother was so typical.

"Well tell her I can't go, I have to blog and I'd rather not do it there." I muttered before shoving a handful of blue berries in my mouth.

Victoria sighed,"Come on Taylor. You know how she feels about these blogs and you hardly ever get any sleep. Speaking of sleep did you get any last night?"

"Actually, yes I did! A whole hour." I defended poorly.

"Taylor, we're worried that you have too much on your hands. Have you ever thought about maybe taking a tiny break from the-"

I sat up and glared at my cousin. Instantly, I felt dizzy from the blood rushing out of my head.

"I'm not going to quit vlogging just because you guys are scared. I've said it a thousand times, and I'll say it again! I'm fine." I gritted my teeth.

Victoria held her hands up in defense,"What ever you say Tay. It was just a suggestion. So what do you think about an assistant?"

I frowned and waited for her to add on to the suggestion.

"Maybe you just need a little help managing the blogs and your school work. You know, like to help you stay organized. Maybe then you can actually consider getting more than just an hour of sleep."

Little did she know that was the most sleep I had gotten in weeks. I shrugged at the idea.

"Well, promise me you'll think about the idea. I have to go to the studio but I'll be back tomorrow." She explained before kissing my forehead and grabbing her heels by the front door.

I grabbed my computer and continued editing today's blog, mostly because literature was boring as hell. I glanced at the papers sprawled over the couch next to me and sighed tiredly. Maybe I do need an assistant.



I jotted down notes as my professor gave his lecture. I didn't exactly enjoy his class, but then again none of that really mattered. He was rambling on about genetics and slowly, my notes turned into YouTube ideas. I hardly noticed the set of eyes peering over my shoulder.

I turned around and faced a girl with coffee brown eyes that seemed to itch with curiosity.

"You're that YouTube girl, aren't you? I just watched one of your blogs yesterday!"

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