7) The Vlogger's Tour 1/4

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• Part One •

There was only two days until tour and I wasn't doing too well. I couldn't sleep so I was constantly taking Advil to subside the pain.

Armani had been trying everything in his power to get me to sleep but it wasn't working. The nightmares were just too much to bare. I was just barely surviving off of coffee, energy drinks and anything else I could get my hands on. It didn't really matter anyways, I had bigger things to worry about.

This was my first international tour so I had no idea what to expect. My nerves were scattered like flakes of snow. Of course YouTube had sent complimentary tickets, customized shirts, and Polaroid cameras with the play button logo engraved in bright red.

First we'd catch a flight to Lancaster California for the meet and greet. It was almost soul shattering to know that the meet and greet sold in less than four days. I didn't know exactly who would be there except for some beauty bloggers I filmed with at Vidcon last year. This would be completely different.

"You know, we're gonna be in Dallas for three days. We could always ditch the tour bus and go see your family." I suggested to a half asleep Armani. He was stretched out on the couch next to me, trying not to fall asleep on a Mickey Mouse short.

"Why would we do that?" He yawned. I was rather surprised by the dullness of his voice, as if seeing his parents didn't concern him at all. Armani never really brought them up either. In fact, he avoided all questions. It was always the same, "they're hipsters that live in Dallas."

"I don't know, I just thought you might want to see them."

Armani opened his tired eyes and looked at me intensely. I was searching for any type of emotion in his sea green eyes, but there was none.

I finally focused back on my laptop,"Never mind."

He sighed deeply,"They aren't the best people."

"Neither are mine." I defended. Armani didn't argue with that, instead he grazed the stubble on his chin and smiled.

"Alright, alright. I'll think about it." With that he fell asleep. Not right away but pretty damn fast. I swallowed the lump in my throat and scrolled down my Twitter page to avoid staring at him for too long. Armani was dangerously attractive in his sleep.


YouTube had really stepped their game up from last year's Vidcon plane. For starters, the plane we rode on had the most uncomfortable seats in plane history. It was like sitting on a rock for ten hours straight. To make matters worse the guy next to me was snoring his troubles away and I forgot to pack my headphones.

This time we were flying first class with three other youtubers. It was apart of the complimentary basket. The plane was completely decked out with built in tv's to the coffee brown leather seats.

Kaitlynn Cope was the first YouTuber I'd noticed during boarding time. We did a few videos together on her channel (KC's Beauty Vlogs) at Vidcon and she was definitely fun to work with. We were always good friends, just hard to stay in touch due to her living all the way in New Jersey.

"Hey Taylor, long time no see." She laughed while embracing me. KC's blonde hair was curled at the tips giving just enough of an edge. Her make up was light and natural. It really brought out the hazel rings in her eyes.

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