Chapter 7: Hang Outs

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November : 2 Months Pregnant
Olivia's POV
It was the weekend again and luckily, my week wasn't bad.
Cam keeps the guys from shoving me and what not but they tease me occasionally. People still don't talk to me, but hey, some peace is more than enough for me.
My belly is showing a lot more, mainly because they're twins. It's funny thinking 2 humam beings are growing inside me.
I've been talking to Ava a lot and we get along really well. She goes to another school, but we're becoming pretty good friends. We both love the beach, pizza, and anything purple. She's super funny, weird like me, and super sweet.
Colt is such a gentleman. He's always checking on Ava and making sure we're okay. He seems so happy about his baby. Cam is happy too, but not like he is...Colt is happy to have a family with Ava; Cam just wants the babies. Once they're born, he won't care about me anymore...
I woke up to my phone ringing. I graoned and looked at the Caller ID. It was Cam.
Phone Convo
O- *whines* What?
C- Well good morning to you too.
O- Shut the fuck up. I'm carrying your 2 kids, I'm exhausted and you disturbed my precious sleep.
C- Calm down, geez. I just wanted to tell you to be at my house by 2.
O- Why?
C- The guys are coming over and I wanted you to properly meet them.
O- You want me to associate with those dumbasses you call friends? I'll pass.
C- Not an option. Be there. I want you to actually get to know them. They're not total assholes.
O- Why? Not like I'll be around once the babies come. Have you even told them I'm pregnant?
C- No...And I don't plan on it anytime soon. Don't screw this up. I just don't want them bugging you anymore. Just...come, okay?
O- Ugh...Fine.
C- Good, see ya later.
End of Convo
"Well this is gonna go great..." I said to myself.
Why does he want me to meet them if he hasn't even told them about the babies?
It was already noon, so I got out of bed and took a shower, washing my hair and body. I put on a mint green crew neck, a black scarf, black leggings, and mint Vans.
I blow dried and curled my hair. I brushed my teeth and did my usual make up, sliding on my glasses after.
My bump wasn't too noticeable under the sweater, which was a relief. But I was absolutely starving.
I went downstairs and made myself some eggs and bacon. I ate and threw a mint in my mouth. I grabbed my purse and phone, walking out the door. I got in the car and drove to Cam's house. I'm guessing I was the first one there, because only Cam's car was in the driveway.
I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Cam answered, in nothing but black basketball shorts. Abs...abs...abs...
"Hey Liv, how are my babes doin?" He asked, rubbing my bump.
"G-good." I said, snapping out of my trance.
He's been calling Liv lately, and I kinda like it.
"Well, the boys will be over soon. I'm gonna finish getting dressed. You can just hang out on the couch, go ahead and turn on the TV if you want." He said.
I nodded and he went back upstairs. I plopped onto the couch and watched Friends until he came back down. He was wearing a blue hoodie, khaki pants, and blue Vans. His hair was in his normal quiff, and he looked hot.
As soon as he came down, the doorbell rang. He opened it and the assholes poured into the house.
"Um...why is she here?..." Jack asked rudely.
"Well, I was really good friends with her brother. Thought we should get to know her more instead of just messing with her." Cam said with a shrug.
"Why?" Johnson asked.
"Cuz I said so." He said.
They sighed and sat on the couch, me off to the side. As they talked about drinking, smoking, and what girls they banged that week, I was awkwardly sitting in silence.
"So Quick, what's your favorite booze?" Taylor asked.
"I-I've never drank before..." I said shyly.
"Seriously? A junior and you've never had a drop of alcohol? No way." Matt said, shaking his head.
"Well, now's your chance." Nash said, pulling a 12-pack of beer out of his backpack.
I started panicking. No way in hell I'd drink underage, forget while being pregnant.
"Um...I'm good..." I said.
"C'mon, don't be a loser." Johnson said, popping the top off a bottle and taking a swig.
"Really, I d-"
"Leave her alone. If she doesn't want any, she doesn't want any. More for us." Cam said, cutting me off.
They all rolled their eyes and each took a bottle. I was suprised when Cam downed a bottle in 5 minutes.
"You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Matt asked after a while.
They all agreed. I was hesitant, but was dragged into it.
"Quick, truth or dare?" Jack asked.
"Uh...t-truth?" I said, avoiding any dare they might have.
"C'mon, you've choosen truth the past 3 times! Choose a dare!" Nash said.
"Yeah, c'mon Liv." Cam teased.
"Ugh...Fine...Dare..." I mumbled.
"I dare off your shirt." Jack said with a smirk.
My eyes went wide.
Oh hell no....
"" I said.
"Why? I'm sure you have a hot rack under there." Nash smirked.
"Chill bro." Cam said, a hint of jealousy in his voice.
"No, she doesn't have to be nervous around us. C'mon, off with the sweater." Taylor said.
"Quite it Caniff." Cam said firmly.
"I'm out of here." I said, getting up.
Before I could get far, Jack ran to me and lifted up my shirt, revealing my now-noticeable babt bump.
Everyone gasped and Cam looked furious.
"Dude...Either she gained a ton or she's prego..." Matt laughed.
"A little too many sweets, huh Quick?" Johnson joined in.
"You guys are such dicks." I said, tears falling down my face.
I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I jumped in my car and drove off. I sobbed as I drove home. I ran inside and slammed the door. I flopped onto the couch and cried my heart out.
That's its...They know now...Words gonna get out...I'll never be able to show my face at school again...
3 Hours Later
It was now 6pm, and I was up in my room, trying to soothe myself with some Netflix. Cam tried calling me 15 times and texted me 30 times. I ignored all of them. I didn't want to hear his bullcrap.
I'm not going back to school. I've made up my mind that I'm switching to online school. No way I'm facing everyone at school now that my secrets out...

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