Chapter 15: Triplet Trouble

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1 Week Later
Olivia's POV
I've learned a couple things in the last week.

1) Never wake up Bria or she'll scream your ear off.
2) Never leave Noah without a diaper longer than 5 seconds or you'll be throwing away a yellow stained shirt.
3) Never put Tate down longer than 10 minutes or he'll cry for hours.

The babies tend to be very cranky at night. During the day, all they do is sleep, eat, and need a diaper change every once in a while. But at night, all hell breaks loose. Noah seems to pee every 30 minutes, Bria is hungry every 15 minutes, and Tate just won't stop crying. Cam and I are exhausted beyond exhausted.
On the bright side, Cam is a great father. He's a natural. He's very calm, sweet, and gentle with them. He's never mixed the boys up, no matter how tired he is. He knows Tate has the lighter eyes. He tries to stay up at night and take care of the babies to let me sleep, but I have to wake up to breastfeed the babies.
I went to go see Ava and Colt a few days ago, and I got to hold Audrey. Ava was right; She looks just like Colt with soft brown hair, bright blue eyes, and his facial structure. She is a cutie.
"Babe,  *yawns* Bria's hungry." Cam yawned, walking into the room with a screaming little Bria.
I groaned and got up. I took her from him and walked to the nursery. I sat in the rocking chair and started feeding Bria, trying not to fall asleep.
Tate started crying and Cam picked him up, trying to bounce him to sleep. Then Noah started crying, and we both knew he needed to be changed.
I quickly finished feeding Bria and got her to sleep. I took Tate from Cam and Cam changed Noah. I tried rocking Tate to sleep, but he just cried. Cam got Noah back to sleep and I tried feeding Tate, which luckily put him back to sleep.
"Ughhhhh...." I groaned, slumping back to bed.
As soon as we laid down, Tate started crying again, which woke up Bria, which woke up Noah.
We groaned in unison and slumped back to the nursery.
I...Am so close...To passing out...
None of the babies went back to sleep, so we were up just trying to get them to stop crying. The longest the fell asleep was for 15 minutes, then it was back to crying.
For some reason, as soon as the sun comes up, they're passed out for a good 3 hours at a time. Thank God.
I was in the kicthen, drinking coffee to try and keep myself awake.
"What's up Dallas fam?!?!" Taylor said, bursting through the door along with the rest of the guys.
I shushed them quickly and listened for crying. Thankfully, the babies stayed asleep.
"I swear to God, if you wake them up, I will kick every single one of you in the nuts." I said, rubbing the sides of my head in exhaustion.
"Okay okay, chill Liv." Johnson said.
"I'm guessing you two had a rough night?" Nash asked, looking at a half dead Cam as he slumped down the stairs.
"What makes you think that? The bags under our eyes??" I asked sarcastically.
"Ok, you guys need a break. You guys get some rest and we'll watch the babies." Matt said.
"Are you guys...*yawns*...sure? They can be quite a handful." I said, eyes drooping.
"Yes, we got it. You guys go get some sleep." Jack said.
Cam and I looked at each other and nodded.
"Noah is in the blue onesie, Bria is in the pink, and Tate is in the green. When changing Noah, get a diaper on him as quick as possible. Whatever you do, do not wake up Bria. Unless he's asleep, don't put Tate down for more than 10 minutes. I have some bottles of milk in the fridge if they get hungry. Heat it up, but make sure it's not too hot." I said.
"Got it." They said in unison.
"Alright, be careful." Cam said.
"If you hurt my babies, I will beat the living hell out of you." I said, threatening all of them with a finger.
"They'll be fine." Johnson said.
I nodded and Cam and I went upstairs. We crawled into bed and passed out.
Matt's POV
"Alright, we should spilt up so each of us have a job. Nash and I will take Bria, Jack and Johnson will take Tate, and Taylor, you good with watching Noah on your own?" I asked.
"I got 'em." He said confidently.
"Alright, let's go." I said.
We quietly went upstairs and checked on the babies. They were quiet for a little bit, but after a while, Tate started crying. Jack quickly picked him up before he woke up Bria. Then Noah started crying. Taylor got him and took him to the changing table, knowing he needed to be changed. Bria woke up, and she started crying.
I picked her up and started rocking her, but she still cried.
"Nash, go get a bottle, I think she's hungry." I said.
He nodded and left.
"Son of a b-"
I turned around and Taylor's shirt was soaked and Noah didn't have a diaper on.
"Liv warned you." Johnson said as we all cracked up.
"Haha, very funny. Now I'm gonna smell like baby pi-"
"Don't cuss in front of the babies." I said, interrupting him.
He put his hands up in defense.
"Just borrow one of Cam's." Nash said, coming back with a bottle.
He nodded and left. Nash gave me the bottle and I fed Bria. Soon, the babies were all fed, changed, and asleep. We did have a few slip-ups: Nash got spit up all over his shirt after he tried to burp Bria, Taylor got peed on again by Noah, and Jack almost mixed up Noah for Tate.
Cam and Liv walked in, and they looked refreshed.
"Have a nice nap?" I asked, holding Bria.
"Yes, thank you guys so much." Liv said, taking Bria from me.
"We needed that bad." Cam said.
"Anytime guys." Nash said.
We hung out for a little bit and ended up staying the night. Even though I wish I was with Olivia, I'm happy for her and Cam. They make a cute little family.

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