"So you ready to do those emails?"

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So, spring sport tryouts for high school are soon.

My dad wants me to do soccer or lacrosse.

I don't want to be on the school team for either.

My dad thinks it would be a great idea to email the coaches for the teams asking them about the tryouts and what I should do to prepare, and stuff like that.

I don't want to be on the school team for either.

So I'm on my phone, snapchating people, maybe Steve.

Then my dad asks:

"So you ready to do those emails?"

To which I respond,



Then like 10 minutes later...

"So you ready to do those emails?"

No. I'm not ready to do those emails. I don't want to do those emails. Goodbye.

Every 10 minutes.

I don't want to play on the girls soccer team for Wakefield. I don't want to be on the girls lacrosse team for Wakefield. So please stop asking me.

I don't want to write stupid emails about stuff I don't want to do anyway.

I love playing soccer. I just don't want to play on the school team. I've never, ever, played lacrosse in my life. I'm not sure if I want to either.

My dad is trying to get me to write emails, to coaches for teams telling them about how I want to tryout and when the tryouts are and all that junk.

But the thing is, I don't want to tryout.

I've made this clear.

Yet he still is asking me,

"So you ready to do those emails?"

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