Chapter One

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It had been a very long day, and I was completely ready for a night out. I was going out with my three best friends, who also happened to be my dance partners in our group. Miranda, Marissa, Breanna and I had been practicing all day and needed a fun night. Since moving to Los Angeles, we had done nothing but work on our dance routines. We were staying at a hotel, since our apartments were not ready yet. There was a club at the hotel and we decided we were going there tonight.

After getting ready, we walked down to the club. It was already kind of busy when we got there. We went up to the bar and got some drinks and then went to find a table. We found one and sat down. I looked around and noticed a group of guys just a few tables away. They looked different than the majority of the people in there. I looked closer and realized they were the group Big Bang. I had seen them earlier while we were working. They happened to be at the same studio where we were working.

"Look," I motioned toward them. "Big Bang is here. This is crazy."

"Wow...Fantastic Baby." Miranda giggled.

"Really?" I said. "You are such an idiot." I found it kind of funny, but I still felt the need to pick on her for saying it. As I was looking over at them, I noticed G-Dragon look in my direction. I quickly looked away. "Ugh, G-Dragon just caught me looking at them."

Miranda laughed, "That's what you get." I smacked her arm.

"Let's go dance." Breanna said. "I like this song." We finished our drinks and headed to the dance floor. We danced for a couple of songs and then went to get more drinks. As we walked back to our table, I glanced over at Big Bang and noticed they were all watching us. I felt my face flush as we walked past them.

I heard one of them say "Whoa" as we walked by, but I wasn't sure who said it. We sat down briefly, until a Rihanna song we loved came on. We grabbed our drinks and went out on the dance floor. We were laughing and dancing. Suddenly Miranda got a strange look on her face. Then Marissa and Breanna looked funny. They were all facing me. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and Seungri was standing behind me. He smiled and started dancing with me.

"Hi," he smiled. "I noticed you and thought I would come talk to you."

I was so shocked, I had no idea what to say. I just smiled.

"What are you drinking?" he asked. "You look like you could use another one."

"Umm, vodka and cranberry juice," I said.

"Be right back," he smiled and walked away.

"Umm, what the hell just happened?" I asked my friends. "Was I actually just dancing with Seungri from Big Bang?"

"Yes," Marissa laughed. "He totally just walked up behind you and waited for you to turn around. You lucky girl!"

"I don't even know what to do right now," I laughed. "This is so crazy." My friends were laughing at me. We just continued to dance, until I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around to see Seungri smiling and holding a new drink. He took my empty cup and set it on a nearby empty table. He had a drink also, but he continued to dance with me.

"So, what is your name?" he asked me.
"My name is Y/N." I smiled. "Thank you for the drink."

"No problem." he smiled. "Did I see you earlier? I think I saw you practicing with your group at the studio this afternoon."

"Yes." I said. "I saw you guys there."

"So, you know who I am then."

"Yes," I said, smiling. "I know who you are. I listen to your music all the time."

"Nice," he said. " that Fantastic Baby playing?" he laughed.

'Indeed." I laughed. "I love this song." I looked over at my friends dancing beside us. They were totally into it. Suddenly Daesung and G-Dragon appeared next to us. They started dancing with all of us.

"Nothing like hearing your own song out at the club," GD said. He smiled. "I'm GD..and you are?"

"I'm Y/N and these are my friends Miranda, Marissa, and Breanna." I said. "Nice to meet you."

"Yes, nice to meet you also." he smiled. "This is Daesung and TOP and TaeYang are walking over here now. I assume you've met Seungri." I smiled and nodded my head. We all danced together in a big group.

I was having such a great time and I knew my friends were too. After the song went off, they invited us to join them at their table. We, of course, joined them.

"So what are you girls doing here in LA?" TOP asked.

"We actually just moved here," I said. "We are waiting for our apartments to get finished, hopefully next week. We are actually from a small Midwest town, but we moved out here to pursue our dance careers. That's what we were doing at the studio today. We work for them now."

"You knew who we were," Seungri smiled. "So you are Kpop fans?"

"Oh yes," Miranda laughed. "You could say that." Just then Breanna's phone started going off. Her ring tone was BTS's Rap Monster saying, Jimin, you got no jams. We all laughed.

"Umm, sorry about that," Breanna said, grabbing her phone off the table. "It's my boyfriend. And he is here. I'll just tell him we're in here. He should be able to find it, right?" She texted him back.

"I hope so," I laughed. "Well, who's with him? If it's Taehyung, maybe not so much."

"Hey!" Marissa said. "Be nice when you talk about my guy."

The guys were looking at us strangely. "Who is your boyfriend?" GD finally asked.

"Oh well this is kind of funny," I smiled. "Her boyfriend is Rap Monster and Marissa is dating V. Yes, from BTS."

"You are dating idols?" Seungri said, looking surprised. "What are the chances of this? Are you dating one of them?" He looked at me curiously.

"No," I smiled. "I did date one of them, but he broke up with me about a month ago. He decided it was too difficult to deal with a girlfriend and his music." I rolled my eyes.

Seungri leaned closer to me and whispered. "Stupid guy. Which one?"

"My secret," I laughed. "You'll just have to figure it out."

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is actually my second fan fiction; my first one is a Suga (BTS) story. I'm writing them at the same time, which is kind of confusing sometimes....didn't really think that through. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story!)

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