Chapter Thirty-three

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The next few weeks seemed to fly by and before we knew it, it was the day before our wedding. I was extremely nervous at this point. I had done so much to plan this wedding on such short notice. We wanted it to be a beautiful wedding, but time was not on our side. I managed to do all that was needed, but it had not been easy. Luckily I had a lot of friends who were willing to help and we got it all done. 

I was currently getting ready for our rehearsal dinner. I had been working all day to put on the finishing touches to what needed done. I had been with my group members all day, as they were helping me. They had all gone back to their hotel to get ready for the dinner, and I was now at home. Seungri was here when I got home, but he had to run out briefly. He would be back shortly and then it would be time to go. 

I put on the dress that I was wearing tonight and looked at myself in the mirror. My bump was definitely noticeable now. I turned to the side and frowned. If I was showing like this already, what was I going to look like in a few months? I was so engrossed in looking at myself in this dress that I didn't notice that Seungri had walked in the room. I hadn't even heard him come in the house. 

I looked up when I heard him laugh. "What are you doing?" he asked. "You are frowning at your reflection...what's wrong?" 

"Look how fat I am," I whined. He walked toward me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"You are not fat," he laughed. "You are pregnant. And you look perfectly fine."

"I have to wear something over this dress," I argued, walking to my closet. He watched me as I pulled out a sweater and put it on.

"It's not that bad," he said, shaking his head. "But if wearing a sweater over the dress makes you feel better, then do it." I smiled and went to get the rest of my stuff together. Once I was all ready to leave, I went and found Seungri again. He was in the bedroom on his phone. He smiled as I walked in and stood up, coming to hug me. 

"Can you believe we are actually getting married tomorrow?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Hard to believe," I smiled. "But I'm happy."

"I am too," he smiled, hugging me tighter. "I'm not happy that you will not be here with me tonight." 

"You can't see me until the wedding's bad luck,"I laughed. "Besides, you have to hang out with the guys tonight."

"Yeah yeah...bachelor party," he laughed. "I would rather be with you."

"Now that's funny," I laughed. "You know you are looking forward to this night. You just better behave and not do anything stupid." 

"I won't," he laughed. "I mean..I'll behave, but I won't do anything stupid. You better behave as well. Your friends tend to be a little wild."

"Funny," I smiled. "My bachelorette party won't be nearly as exciting as your party. I can't even drink. Which reminds me...don't drink too much. You need to be good for our wedding."

"Come on...give me SOME credit," he laughed. "I won't ruin our wedding. We better go or we'll be late to our own rehearsal dinner." I nodded and we went out to the car. 

When we arrived at the dinner, GD met us in the parking lot. He had just arrived as well and we all walked in together. We were greeted by some of the guests that were already there. Both of our parents were there, as well as my sister and his brother and girlfriend. And then both of our group members were there, as they were in our wedding. I had gotten closer to Ella, since she was working more closely with our group now....she was training to take Bree's place. I decided to add her to our wedding, since we needed another girl. 

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