Chapter Thirty

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I made up some excuse to go to the store and get some groceries...alone. I bought the test. I hid it when I got home and ran to the bathroom to take it. As I waited for the results, I paced around the bathroom. I was so scared to look at the stupid test. Finally five minutes was up. I was so concentrated on working up the courage to look at the test, that I didn't hear the bathroom door open or see Seungri walk in. I was just staring at the test.

It wasn't until I heard Seungri say, "What?" that I realized he was there. I just looked over at him and he was staring at the test. I could not comprehend what was happening right now and I felt faint. I had to sit down. Seungri finally looked over at me, but I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I looked back at the test and there were clearly two was a positive result.


"What is going on right now?" Seungri asked, looking from me to the test laying on the counter. "I knocked on the door, but you didn't respond. I got scared that something was wrong and I just walked in here...and then I see this. What is going on? Is that a positive result?"

I nodded, looking up at him from where I was sitting on the edge of the tub. "I realized that I might be sick because this was a possibility. I missed my period and didn't think anything about it. I never thought anything when I got sick. I honestly never thought this was a possibility until today. I just panicked and went and bought the test and took it."

"Were you going to tell me?" he looked at me surprised. "Or were you just going to keep it a secret?"

"I was going to tell you," I said, looking at the floor. "I just didn't know how yet. I'm so sorry that this is happening. This is going to ruin everything. I can't deal with this right now."

"How did this even happen?" he asked. "We have been together for over two years and not ever had this issue. Why would it just happen out of the blue?"

"When I was in the hospital, I wasn't on my birth control pill." I sighed. "When I came home, I started taking it again. But we only waited two weeks to have sex that first time. It apparently hadn't taken full affect yet. And now I've been on this pill for six weeks, while I've been pregnant and not known. I hope that's not bad. I am so sorry. I can't believe I let this happen. I should have realized that we needed to use other birth control. I'm so sorry."

"Y/N, listen to me," he sighed. "Don't be's not your fault. Neither one of us even thought about it. We never had to worry about it so it wasn't even a thought. But you better stop taking that pill and go see your doctor as soon as possible. Don't you have an appointment tomorrow?"

"Yes with my doctor here," I said. "I'll have to make an appointment with the ob/gyn for this though, but I will wait until I'm back in L.A. I already have a doctor there.  Are you mad? Do you hate me?"

He wrapped his arms around me. "Of course I don't hate you. And I'm not mad. It's not your fault. We are going to get through this. And apparently we are going to be parents." He smiled and looked at me. "A little sooner than we wanted, but it will be fine."

"What about our careers?" I asked. "I mean, this is really bad for you. I won't be able to work with my group for a while, but you are going to have very angry fans. Some people already are angry over our relationship...this is much worse."

"The only thing that really matters is what we think," he said, kissing me gently. "And I think it will be fine. We were going to have a baby someday anyway. We're just doing it sooner than we had originally wanted. Yes, there will be angry people. I will be in trouble, I'm sure. But we will deal with the fallout. In the end, our family is what matters."

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