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"What's up, Dean?" Avery asked. It wasn't like him to ask to talk. Usually Avery asked him to.

"I was thinking about what you told me yesterday when I was in her room with the picture and there's something I should have commented on right then and there, but I didn't. I've been letting you walk around thinking something that isn't true and I need you to know the truth." He explained vaguely.

"What are you talking about?" She asked. She had no clue what lie she was supposedly believing.

"You said it's your fault that Jen left me and that you're sorry and wish her jealousy hadn't made her leave me." Dean started. "Before you tell me I'm wrong, listen. It isn't your fault she left. It's mine, and it was more than just she was jealous." He explained.

"It is my fault because I tried to get you to find a girl and I was the person she was jealous of. And what do you mean it was more than just she was jealous?" She asked.

"It's also because I kind of- I kind of ended things before she even left." He explained. Avery looked at him surprised and shocked. "So it was partly all her jealousy but she was telling me I should stop hunting because it was dangerous and that I was getting too reckless on hunts and with the alcohol, and I didn't care enough about her. I told her that she needed to quit being jealous and that it didn't matter if it was dangerous to hunt because I had to and that I wasn't becoming reckless. We argued back and forth before I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't deal with the accusations because I-" he started but was having trouble finishing.

"It's ok. Take your time."

"I knew I was all the things she said but she wasn't trying to help me. She was getting mad at me which wasn't helping at all. I knew I was getting a little reckless on hunts, you even told me that yourself, and I knew hunting was dangerous and I knew that I wasn't spending enough time with her, or any of you for that matter. I was distancing myself for who knows what reason. I told her to quit micromanaging my life and if she was going to keep doing that, then she should just leave already. I was just on edge and didn't mean it but I woke up in the morning and she was gone. I wanted her back but she never answered her phone. I got so mad at myself that I deleted her number and I haven't talked to her since. I've lied to you all these years, Avery, and I've been killing myself over it. I've been killing myself over making her leave but also over lying to you. It's my fault she's gone and she doesn't want me back anyways. She knows it won't work out. She told Audrey that too. Even I know it won't. There are a lot of reasons why I'm glad we're not together despite the fact I want her back. We fought too much to begin with." Dean told Avery, and got worried when she didn't reply. "Avery, say something. Please. I'm sorry. I know you're pissed."

"I'm not mad, Dean. I just don't get why you didn't just tell us. We would have gotten her back for you or if you didn't want us to, we would have let it be. And why didn't you talk to me about what she said, about you feeling reckless and like you weren't spending enough time with us? Why are you still so upset about Jen? You know it won't work out." Avery questioned. She didn't know why, with everything, he didn't at least talk to her about it.

"Because I love her. I still do. I know it won't work but at the same time, life without her isn't the same. I thought you especially would be mad I was the reason she left so I didn't tell you." Dean explained.

"Why me?" She asked, almost offended he would think she would be mad.

"You tried so hard to get me with Jen. You got her to get back together with me. If I had told you that I screwed it up, then you might have been mad. Promise me you won't try to fix this one." He begged.

"I wouldn't have been mad at all. And I won't contact her even though I still have her number. I promise. Do me a favor though. Tell Sam. You don't have to tell Tristan or Audrey, but he deserves to know." Avery urged. Dean nodded, went and told Sam everything other than being reckless, then rejoined Avery a bit later.

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