Hangover Cure :)

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My head was pounding the next morning

The car journey had been one of silence. My dad hasn't spoken the whole way back, he'd been furious.

When we arrived home, all he'd said was "We'll talk about this in the morning."

That's why at 6:30am I was woken by him throwing open the curtains and pulling my douvet off of me.

I moaned burying my face into the pillow. "Leave me alone..."

"Out. Now. We have things to discuss." My dad's tone was abrupt and he still sounded furious.

I rolled out of bed, choosing not to anger him any further. I was still wearing my clothes from last night.

"Shower, then come downstairs."

I followed his orders, stripping off my clothes as soon as he left and hopping into my shower.

It was warm and relaxing and soothed the pain in my head momentarily. I washed my hair, taking as long as possible to scrub every inch of my body.

I figured the longer I took, the more chance my dad would have to calm down.

Once I had showered, I got out, brushing my teeth to eliminate the stale taste of last nights alcohol from my mouth. I drunk from a glass of water from my bedside table.

I quickly slipped on some Nike tracksuit bottoms with an Adidas jumper. I looked around for my phone but couldn't see it so I headed downstairs.

My dad was sat at the kitchen table, a mug of tea and the laptop in front of him.

"Look, dad, I'm really-" I began.

"Ella, it's too late now to say sorry. No more apologies. I'm doing something about this." He was not accepting my apology.

I strolled over to the kettle flicking it on and grabbing myself a mug from the cupboard. I continued making myself a cup of coffee as my dad began to talk.

"Scarlett is a bad influence on you, Ella."

"She also happens to be my best friend, dad."

"Look. No interruptions. Let me talk." He really wasn't interested in what I had to say. "Scarlett is a bad influence on you. I've put up with that all the way through your life. I'm not going to let her ruin your future. That's why, what I'm about to say is for your benefit."

I stirred in the milk and sugar to my coffee. "What are you trying to say?"

"I don't want you to spend your six week summer holiday with her. I would rather you spent it with me. I know if I let you do that, you would find some way of sneaking off and meeting up with her. So, you can't stay here." My dad was either finished speaking of just pausing for impact.

"What are you on about, dad?" I took a sip of my coffee, scalding my tongue. This was just an empty threat, he wasn't serious about whatever he was talking about.

"This is for your benefit. I'm sending you to Summer School. Summer College, to be precise."

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