Jail Birds...

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Okay. Wow. I wrote this like 2 years ago and I never thought I would get so much support. I lost the password to the account and only just found it and I was amazed when I saw all the comments and reads. I felt like the least I could do was post this draft chapter...

As we arrived at the station Scarlett and I were led into a small dingy cell for us to share. A bench lined one wall, a urinal stained yellow and brown was nestled in the corner. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Fuck... this is bad." Scarlett whispered.

I sighed as we were shoved inside, our handcuffs being taken off. I shook my wrists. The cuffs had been tight. The officer in charge for the night slammed the cell door shut.

"Hey!" I yelled as he began locking it with a big bunch of keys. He didn't look up. "Oi!" I said. He raised his eyebrows. "Don't we get a free phone call?" I asked. He sighed reluctantly, muttering under his breath. "Fine. One at a time." he said opening the cell door.

Scarlett nodded for me to go first and I approached him, he grabbed me by the arm slamming the door behind us and locking it. He marched me along a corridor until we reached a small black phone fixed onto the wall.

He let go of my arm as I picked it up, dialling my home phone number. I sighed with relief as the phone began to ring. It rung and rung and rung. Just as I was about to give up and hang up, my dad's sleepy voice came through the phone. "Hello?" he groaned. "Dad!" I squealed.

"Ella? Why are you ringing me at," he paused, obviously checking his watch. "4:30 in the morning?" I sighed. "Well, Scarlett got caught shoplifting and we were arrested and... Yeah..." I trailed off nervously.

There was a long pause punctuated by my dads heavy breathing. "Fucking hell!" he finally yelled. I winced holding the phone away from my ear. "And, what, you expect me to come and bail you out, do you?" he shouted.

"Yes please," I replied meekly.

He sighed. Grumbling, he replied "What police station?" I silently cheered. "Old Bedford Road. " I told him. "You're  in deep shit, Ella, but I'll be there in 5." He hung up. I put the phone back on the wall.

The officer scowled at me. "Your daddy coming to rescue you?" he asked sarcastically. I nodded, glaring at him as he grabbed my arm again marching me further down the corridor to the Police Reception area. He cuffed me to a chair. "Wait here, till he comes." he nodded to the officer behind the counter. "He'll let you out when your dad gets here."

The officer behind the counter had kind eyes and he offered me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back, glad that not everybody in this police station was an arsehole. I watched down the corridor as Scarlett was lead to the phone. It seemed to ring for a long while before somebody answered. I smiled with amusement as I listened to her side of the conversation.

"Mum, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to do anything."

"I just smashed one-"


"No, mum please, I swear I won't -"

"You can't make me stay here, mum."


Her mum ended the call and she slammed the phone against the wall earning a sharp yank on her arm from the officer.

"FUCKING HELL!" Scarlett shouted as she was lead back to her cell.

I smirked. Served her right for getting me in trouble. She'd survive a night here. She'd done it plenty of times.

"'Scuse me miss, but is this your dad?" The man behind the counter was nodding towards the glass doors, where I could see my dad storming towards the doors looking comically dishevelled and extremely angry.

"Yep... that would be him."

FUCK. I'd never seen him look this angry. I was in deep shit.


Sorry again for forgetting my password. Here it is though...

Ella x

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