You were right...

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Sorry my updates are shit... I know, you all hate me, lalalala... Originally, I just wrote this for fun and didn't know that so many people would support me. I'm forever grateful for all of you and feel like I should update as it is horrible to be kept waiting... Aaand nobody probably wants to hear the story anymore but you're gonna get it anyway... Here you go!


Over the course of the next few days, me and my dad didn't speak much. Apart from the odd, 'good morning,' in the hallway, I stayed in my room and avoided him as much as was possible. He was the one shipping me away for summer so if he didn't want to see me then he didn't have to see me at home either.

The days leading up to summer passed quickly and before I knew it, I was packing my bag and getting ready to be picked up the next day. I stuffed everything I could into my suitcase - my whole life for the next six weeks...

I checked the CCYA website but there was no advised packing list so I just tried to squeeze as much of my wardrobe as I could into my small hold-all. Which turned out to be not quite as much as I hoped.

Scarlett visited the night before I left to say goodbye and see me off. She wasn't looking forward to summer without me because for as long as we could both remember we'd spent every summer together, no matter what. We'd grown up together and I'd always seen her as the sister I'd never had. I thought that's how Scarlett saw me. But, yet again, I was proved wrong about something else in my life...

The night before I left Scarlett and I had sat side by side on my bed flicking through the website for the college and she had spent the whole evening telling me that the whole place sounded 'dodgy' and that I should definitely not go.

After nearly an hour of her trying to convince me to stay, I slammed my laptop shut. "I don't want to go either! You know that and you're just making this ten times harder for me! You're my best friend and you're supposed to support me through this and help me out..." My voice cracked as I felt my eyes beginning to well up.

Scarlett reached out and took my hand in hers. "I'm sorry, I'm just going to miss you so much." Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. "I love you, Ella."

"And I love you too, babe. You know I do." I smiled at her. She'd always been like my sister, she knew that.

"No, Ella. I really love you. No wait, I'm in love with you." Scarlett's statement hit me like a truck.

I flinched pulling my hand from her grasp. We'd never been like that. It'd always just been me and her against the world... As best friends... As sisters. "Scarlett-" I began.

"Wait, lemme finish." She interrupted. "That night that we got sent to jail, I did that on purpose."

I let out a strangled laugh. "You can't exactly smash a shop window by mistake..."

"No... I had seen the policemen. I knew we were going to get caught. I did it deliberately. I wanted us to get caught and I hoped your dad would kick you out and you'd have to come and live with me and then..." Scarlett trailed off as she saw the anger growing on my face.

"And then what?!" I yelled. "We fall in love and live happily ever after?" I knew I was being cruel but I couldn't help myself. "That's not how it works. Life is not a fucking fairytale. And now you've gone and ruined mine. I don't even talk to my dad anymore because of you! You were selfish and you didn't think what would happen to me and now look what you've done!" By this point, I was sobbing, the tears cascading down my face. "I did everything for you. I put myself and my relationships on the line time and time again! And what do you do to repay me? Ruin everything! That's all you've done for me!"

Suddenly, my dad barged through the door. He must've heard the shouting from downstairs. Slowly, he looked from me crying my eyes out to Scarlett looking on in anguish. Very quietly, he turned to Scarlett and says, "I think you'd better leave."

She looked at me in desperation and reached out her hand. I snatch mine away. I've been so hurt by her. I'm not ready. "Now!" My dads voice cut through the silence like a knife. Scarlett slowly slid of my bed, and slipped out the door. A few seconds later I heard her slamming the front door behind her as she left the house.

My dad stood there frozen for a few seconds before coming and gently sitting beside me on the bed. He wrapped an arm round my shoulders and pulled me in close to him. I leaned against him and snuggled into his fatherly warmth. "I'm so sorry, Dad." I sniffles.

"Ssh, it's okay baby, it's okay." He comforted me and we sat there like that for a while until my shaking sobs eased off. He rubbed my shoulders up and down, calming me. "I knew that girl was never any good for you," he spoke softly, so as not to anger me further.

I sighed. "I know, you were right. And I'm so, so sorry." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I think you've been right about it all. I think this college might really do me some good."

It was a while before my dad replied, as he continued to soothe me. Then he stopped rubbing my shoulders and I looked up at him. He took a deep breath before speaking. "I am so glad you've finally realised that Ella."


SO... There is the update! If anyone still reads this book and wanted to make me a cover that would be greatly appreciated. If you private message me and let me know then I would love you forever!!

And if anybody has any suggestions for what they want Ella's relationship with Her future dominant to be like... PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I appreciate all suggestions! The more suggestions I get, the quicker I'll update.

Love you all!

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