Chapter 6

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The day had arrived. My Dad had booked me a place at the college and I was being picked up at 7.00am. My bag was packed and I was ready to go. At 6.55 me and my dad were standing by the door and he was doing a final check to ensure I had everything I needed.






"No, I thought I'd just wear nothing for the next six weeks."

My dad stopped and looked at me.

"Of course I have clothes! Look, stop worrying, I have everything I need. I promise, Dad. I'm going to be okay." I smiled reassuringly at him.

"Okay, I'll miss you. Don't let me down. Go out there, and show 'em what you got. Try your hardest and come back as a better-"

He was interrupted by a knock at the door. I breathed deeply before opening the door. A man in a black suit stood outside. "Hello!" I smiled breezily.

I was not greeted with the same tone and instead a clipboard was forced into my hands with abrupt instructions to, "Sign here."

"Well, friendly one we have here..." I muttered, earning a glare from the suited man. I glanced down at the clipboard in my hand. Various sheets of paper were clipped to it. At the top, it read, 'CONTRACT.' Hmm, who reads contracts these days? I thought to myself as I scribbled my signature at the bottom and handed it back to the man.

He snatched it from my hands without a thank you. "You're welcome!" I called after him as he turned away and headed back to the black sedan parked in front of my house.

I turned back to my dad and hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you but you're going to visit, right?"

"Of course I am." He replied, squeezing me tightly. "Right, off you go, we don't want to keep the gentleman waiting."

I glanced over my shoulder to see the 'gentleman' waiting beside the open boot ((trunk, for my American readers, I'm English okay :) )) of the car. To be honest, if it was my choice, I would keep him waiting as long as possible but as I looked at my dad's pleading expression I decided against it.

Picking up my bag, I gave my dad one final smile before walking out the door. A tear threatened to spill from my eye. I'd never spent the summer without my dad. He'd never spent the summer alone either... it had always been with my mum or me. I almost turned back then, almost. But I knew he wanted me to do this.

I took a deep breath,  dragging my bag to the car where it was snatched from me and chucked into the boot. I sighed and followed the man to the front of the car, opening the passenger door and climbing in. I slammed the door behind me just as I felt the driver climb in beside me slamming his door and locking all the doors. No turning back now.

He started the engine and the car slid smoothly away from the front of my house. I waved to my dad until we rounded the corner before turning to the suited man.

"So... I'm Ella."


"It's incredibly nice to meet you, clearly you're a very talkative chap." The sarcasm was thick in my voice.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to just-"

Finally he responded, cutting me off. "The less you talk, the easier it's going to be for you. You'll learn that soon enough."

I laughed. "Well this is clearly going to be a thrilling car journey."

He turned and glared at me and I rolled my eyes turning away from him and resting my head against the window. I closed my eyes. I could do with some sleep, especially if everybody was going to be as antisocial as this...

As I began to drift off, my breathing deepened and the driver must have assumed I was asleep as I heard him begin to speak, presumably into his phone. "Just picked her up. I've got one for Blake. I'm sure of it. She's feisty and won't keep her mouth shut. Honestly, she's perfect. Yes, sir. Two hours."

I tried to calm myself, tried to dismiss the feeling that there was something very wrong with the way I had just been spoken about. But I couldn't. He spoken about me as if I was property... No. I was just imagining things. My brain was clouded with thoughts as I drifted off but the most prominent one was that something was very wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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