Happy Birthday?

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Scarlett linked her arm with mine as we stumbled down the street. My heels were hurting my feet. We giggled as I tripped, yet again over the pavement. Scarlett gripped my arm tight so I wouldn't fall over. We were smashed.

It was her 16th birthday and we wanted to do it in style. It was 3:00am and we had drunk way too much. Yet, still we wanted more fun.

I slipped off my heels and held them in my hand and Scarlett being the bad-ass she was, came up with an idea. "Pass 'em here, Ella." she slurred gesturing to my heels. I gave them to her giggling as my bare feet slapped on the dirty pavement.

Most shops along the near-empty high street were closed. We had just passed a small newsagents and Scarlett dragged me to a stop, before she stumbled back toward it.

She giggled childishly. "What ya doing?" I grumbled tiredly. "Watch!" she grinned devilishly. I sighed leaning against the wall. I half-closed my eyes, rubbing my sore head. Just as I began to relax, a loud smashing sound, followed by a blaring alarm startled me back awake.

I turned around slowly. The window of the small shop was shattered and Scarlett was entering. "Fucking hell!" I yelled angrily. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted at her.

She ignored me, dashing into the store, grabbing a bottle of Vodka and dashing back out again. The alarm was still blaring and two policemen who had been on late night patrol were charging down the street toward us.

"Fuck." I muttered as Scarlett began to run. I chased after her, trying to run barefoot but my soles were slapping painfully against the hard surface. I could hear the heavy breathing of one officer right down my neck.

I slowed to a halt, raising my hands slowly. "Fuck this." I muttered as the police officer approached me. The other policeman chased after Scarlett as I was cuffed and led to a police van. "Alright, missy. Bit drunk, are we?" The police officer laughed as I wobbled, nearly falling over.

"I'm not in the mood." I growled as he opened the back door of his police van, pushing me in. He chuckled. "An overnight stay in a cell will set you straight." He said as I sat down on one of the small benches inside the van. He slammed the door behind me.

Five minutes later, the back of the van was opened again. Outside, stood a very red Scarlett, cuffed and miserable. She was shoved into the van beside me and the door slammed yet again.

"You're such a bitch." I moaned. "My dad is gonna kill me when he finds out!"

Scarlett sighed. "Happy birthday to me?" she giggled nervously as the van began to move. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Happy birthday, Scarlett."


A/N I know it's short but this is my first story on Wattpad so please no hate! If I can even get 5 reads I will be extremely happy. This first chapter is kinda rubbish but I promise we will get into the BDSM stuff real soon.... Love you guyssssss!

Ella xox

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