Chapter 3

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Perrie's POV

It had been a month since we met Jade. Things were going well, and she was now a part of our group. I still had feelings for her, and she seemed to trust me more than any of the others, but I'd managed to hide my feelings for her quite well, and I thought I'd managed to get myself firmly in the friend zone.

Harry is still all over her, which luckily she doesn't like, in fact she avoids him most of the time. She's actually told me that she doesn't have any feelings for him, and that while he's like this with her she doesn't even want to be his friend. Even though I hated that she had to spend time with someone who obviously made her feel uncomfortable I felt happy when she told me this. She was too good for him! Harry was a nice guy, and admittedly really good looking, but he was too much of a player for Jade, who needed someone who could treat her like a princess... like me for example. Or Niall. Yeah, Niall. He would be much better for her than me. Niall's a great guy, and I'm nothing special. Besides, girls as beautiful as Jade are always straight. ALWAYS, I reminded myself. Niall still seemed really interested in Jade, and the two of them are actually pretty good friends. I know for a fact (Zayn told me) that he likes her a lot, and I have a feeling she likes him too, but I can't bring myself to ask her.

Me and Jade can talk about pretty much anything now, and I trust her just as much as I trust Leigh and Jesy even though I've only known her for a month now. I know pretty much everything about her; what she likes, what she dislikes, her favourite things, her family, her childhood. She's told me some more personal stuff too, like how she's left 5 schools because of bullying. I'm not really sure why she was bullied so badly though, I mean she said it's because she's such a nerd and she was always shy and didn't have many friends until she met us, but there has to be something else! When I ask her about some things she goes really distant like she's hiding something from me. I know it's none of my business but I just wish she would tell me so I could help her. Even though I know she'll never be mine I just want to make her as happy as I possibly can.

As for Liam and Zayn, well, I keep telling Zayn that he needs to talk to the other boys about it, or at least tell them he's gay, but he won't, so for now I'm the only one that knows.

Jade's POV

 I walked into my first lesson slightly late. I'd been at the school for a month, and for the first time ever I hadn't been bullied at all. There were a few groups of people I was slightly scared of, like some girls that I knew were drama queens and gossips, and a group of rough-looking boys that were always in trouble and I was convinced were in a gang, but no one had said anything to me. I'd actually got to know quite a few people, who seemed to like me, and for the first time in my life I was part of a real group of friends. I even quite liked most of the boys in our group. Louis always made me laugh, and Liam was so kind and looked out for me so much that I could actually be alone with him without panicking. Zayn was kind of mysterious and didn't speak much, but he was actually ok on the few occasions when he did speak to me. Niall was being really nice to me, but he was still flirting. He never crossed the line though, so I was happy to speak to him. Harry was the only one I still had a real problem with. He was all over me! If it was just friendliness and slight flirting like Niall I would be able to handle it, but he never stopped. He was always insisting on hugging me, and he held on for way too long. When I sat next to him he would touch my thigh, which almost made me have a panic attack. I avoided Harry most of the time.

Leigh, Perrie and Jesy were honestly the best friends I'd ever had, and I trusted them more than anyone else outside my family. I was still a bit unsure about my feelings for Perrie, but I think I'd managed to hide it pretty well. It turns out her and Zayn aren't dating, she told me herself that she's single and doesn't see Zayn that way, but I still wouldn't dare to tell her how I felt. Other than what happened to me three years ago, that was the only thing she didn't know about me,

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