Pewdiepie's First Love (A Felix and Marzia Love Story)

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Hey guys! This is the ORIGINAL Pewdiepie's First Love book! We had to delete the other one due to personal reasons. Sorry to @MaddyClement who won the cover contest! We will use your cover for this one I promise and your character will be in it!

-alyssa_carrots and Unicorns_forever


Felix P.O.V

I was sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I heard my teacher yell " FELIX!!" I immediately flinched and had a surprised look on my face. The whole class laughed, except my friends Teresia and Rebecka.

" What is the square root of 13?" questioned my teacher.

Oh god I don't know! I answered stupidly by saying " That's what calculators are for."

The Teacher then screamed " DETENTION FELIX!"


2 hours later at lunch.....

I walked over to my table in the cafeteria to sit with my friends Teresia and Rebecka. As you can tell I'm not the most popular guy. To be honest with you here, I'm considered an outsider.

As I sat down at my table Rebecka and Teresia yelled in my presence " HEY PEWDIEPIE!!" As they waved with smiles on their faces.

I have no idea how they came up with that nickname. I responded my saying " How's it going Bros??"

That's my way of saying hi basically. Rebecka answered by saying " nothing much, but Teresia and I have an amazing idea!"

" Spit it out woman!!" I urged jokingly.

"Okay, so you know your Youtube channel we started yesterday?" Asked Teresia. I nodded. " Well we have an idea for your first video. The Harlem Shake!!"

" Thats an amazing idea!! We can even film it in school!" I smiled as I thought about all that could happen in this video.

Just then as I turned on my camera I felt someone punch my shoulder. " Hey fruit!" They yelled. Oh no. Please don't let it be Justin! I turned my face and it was. Justin was accompanied by his girlfriend Mia. They are the most popular people in the school.

" What's wrong gay? You got some guys to flirt with??" Taunted Justin.

I said another retarted thing. " Justin, It's not called being gay. Its called being FABULOUS!!" I then did a cupcake face while sporting a huge grin.

Mia then turned to Rebecka and Teresia and said " I know what you 2 posted about me on Twitter. And you'll be expelled!"

Twitter post

: @Mia_princess You little pussy!;) go and die in a hole cause we will find you!-@slenderman.

Sadly her Dad is also the principal. We probably should have thought of that before making a fake twitter called Slenderman.

Just then they left as Mia arrogantly flipped her brown wavy hair.

" Wow, that did not go well." I said. " soo on a different note, you guys wanna film the Harlem Shake video?" Asked Rebecka.

" NO FREAKING DUH!!" I screamed as we got out my flip camera and Teresia put on the Harlem shake on her IPhone.

I began to film. When the chorus came on we all danced randomly for our unrehearsed video. Just as we started singing to the music, the principal came out and said sternly " To my office now!"


As I walked in to the office with my head down I was thinking about how much trouble I would be in. Even though I don't appear smart, I have a 75% average. This isn't the first time I've gotten in trouble.

When I was in kindergarten when I met Teresia and Rebecka, on the first day I wore a dress to school and a hairband. Then told everyone I was a girl. Immediately Teresia believed me and brought me to talk to Rebecka. We talked about barbie dolls and stuffed animals all day long until I told them I was a boy. They laughed and said they knew all along. But, the teacher called my parents saying I was disobeying the rules, and a disgrace to her class.

When I got into the room I sat down and the principal bellowed " HOW DUMB ARE YOU KIDS?!?" "YOU DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD GET HURT OR ANYTHING?!?" Teresia then said " I don't know. As you say im just a dumb kid." He then screamed " OH AND YOU MUST HAVE ALSO THREATENED MY DAUGHTER ON TWITTER. YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH THAT?!?" I spoke up and said " Sir, we never said we would get away with that."


I froze in fear as he said that. Expelled?!? Our parents will murder us.

He sent us out of the room as i was still in shock. Rebecka had a tear drop coming from her eye, and Teresia looked like she had just saw a ghost.

The principal came out and said. " Your parents are coming to pick you up."

15 minutes later.

My parents arrived at the school and said nothing for the whole ride home.

When I walked into the house my mother bellowed " FELIX KJELLBERG LEAVE THIS HOUSE IMMEDIETLY!" " Huh?" I said confused. My father said " Felix we are evicting you out of our house, You have caused to many problems" My eyes began to water. I ran upstairs grabbed my phone, bag , wallet, and laptop. Then I ran out of the house.

I checked my texts and it said: 2 unread messages.

@TeresiaStövenberg My parents kicked me out. Meet me and Rebecka at the Riverside Motel.

@Rebecka_Bosse33 Me and Teresia are at the motel. We'll meet you in room 15.

Riverside Motel is about a 15 minute walking distance from my house. As I headed down my street I began to bawl. I cried tears of anger,fear and shame.

When I walked down a main road I saw 2 little children running down the sidewalk as their parents watched them have fun. The children looked about 3 and 5. One boy and One girl.

The little boy standing at 3 feet tall or less asked me " Are you okay? Your crying." I turned and tried to put on a brave face. " I'm - fffinne" I said between sobs. He then said " Remember your Mommy and Daddy will always love you. No matter what." I smiled and walked away with those words of wisdom and hope that little child gave me.

As I walked away I thought about how I just want to restart my life and fix all the mistakes I've made. I pray that once again I will be able to hug my parents and have them hold me in my arms. Just once again. But I know its gone and I missed my opportunity. If I could say something to that kid I would say " Never let go of your parents. Never take them for granted. Because you never know which day is your last.

Just then I arrived at the motel. I found room 15 and knocked. Teresia opened the door and I saw she had been crying too. That set me into hysterics again. I began to bawl my eyes out. Teresia and Rebecka came up and hugged me. I forced a smile and told them what had happened.

After my story I checked the clock and it said 11:35. I slept on the couch and cried myself to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


HEY PEOPLE!! Soo how u like this story?? Is it good? Does it suck platypus crap?!? Tell me how u fell about it in the comments! Dont forget to vote. Srry its kinda short and sad lol.:)


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