Chapter 13

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Felix's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and see a bright white light. I hear the sound of an engine roaring, I get up, still half asleep and I am immediately pushed down. Frantically I get up again and see a man wearing a black ski mask standing over me. He mutters something in what sounds like Russian and proceeds to stand over me again.

I look around and my heart skips a beat. I'm on a cargo plane. I try to scream for help but, I discover my mouth is taped shut and my screams just come out as mumbling. What is going on. Last thing I remember was that someone put something over my mouth, then it was all just a blur.

I move my eyes around, searching for any familiar faces. None. Suddenly, I hear a high pitched scream. Startled I begin to kick my legs, hoping somebody will help me. Just then I hear a loud crash and see Teresia running out of a room hidden behind boxes.

She grabs my hand and we run for it. On the way she grabs thick, piece of wood that was on the ground. When we make it up to where the pilot is, Teresia hits him over the head with all her force. Teresia pulls the tape of my mouth and I do the same to her. " Ok, Do you have any idea how to fly a plane?" I ask Teresia, worried. " No, But I'll learn right now!" Teresia pushes the body off the seat and begins to steer the plane.

Rebecka's P.O.V.

I wake up in a dark, cold room with no windows and metal walls. I look around, trying to find a door, maybe an escape. Suddenly everything clicks in. I realize where I am and my heart begins to pound in my chest.

Out of no where, the metal door swings open and my dad walks through. " Ahhh, Rebecka. So glad you could join me here." He says, with an evil smirk on his cold, pale face. " Why did you bring me here!" I should, kicking him in the shins. A look of pain covers his face, but it quickly fades away. " That wasn't a wise decision, sweetheart." He says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a short pocket knife. " One more word and I'll cut out your tongue."

" Why did you have to bring my friends into this?!" I shout, disobeying him. " Because, I know that they know. You exposed the secret to everyone." He says. "Now, As I was saying, time to cut out your tongue."

Marzia's P.O.V.

I wake up next to Maddy in a dark room, with shelves and shelves of weapons. I breath in the air and cough. " Maddy!" I cry out. I shake her and she doesn't move. Suddenly, I hear a voice that sounds as if its coming from a loud speaker. " Oh dear. It seems like your friend has parted from us. What a shame." I smell a chemical in the room and I fall to the ground. " Now it's time for you to die."

Rebecka's P.O.V.

My father goes closer to me and he stabs the knife into my mouth. The pain feels like I've been set on fire. He takes out the knife and pushes me to the ground. He hold the knife to my throat and says the words " This is it. I win. You lose."


I wake up with my head on my desk. I start breathing heavily and I realize I'm still in school. The teacher asks the question " Felix, what is the square root of 13?" I start to come to my senses. None of that happened. Marzia isn't real, neither is Maddy, neither is my psychotic father. Everything is normal, back to the way it should be. I turn and see Teresia sitting next to me.

I'm still in Sweden. I never got expelled. I didn't just almost die. But what if it was real. What if it did happen. How could a dream seem that real? There's only one way to find out. All I know, is that this is not the end.

Omg. Its done! DONT WORRY THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!!! And maddy clement your character will play a BIG part in the sequel!

Thank you to everybody who has supported us along the way. We couldn't have done it without you.

Until next time,

Alyssa & Maddy

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