Chapter 3

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Felix P.O.V

For the whole video I just basically did inappropriate things on happy wheels. But it was hilarious.

I picked the character Santa Claus and I screamed " RUN YOU LITTLE SHITS!!" As I fell and hurt myself on the game I began to swear and curse in Swedish " KNULLA MIG TIK!!" ( translation : f*** me bi***)

After I finished the course I said bye to my viewers by giving them a Brofist. Then I turned off the camera. Teresia and Rebecka began clapping.

I smiled and Teresia turned on the TV to the news. It said " 3 16 year old children missing after they left home. Their family and loved ones hope for the worst." It then showed a picture of Rebecka, Teresia then I with all of our information underneath.

" Now we will here what their beloved friends have to say." Said the news reporter. To my surprise it showed Justin and Mia on the television. Mia faked crying and said " I miss them so much!! They were my best friends! Even though they all were mentally unstable I looked past all that!!"

Teresia then said " Oooh girl you did not just say that shit!"

Justin then chimed in and said this " Felix was mentally unstable, very rude and terrible. But I always tried to be his friend. He is also homosexual and in a relationship with one of the 9th graders."

The news reporter came back on and said " If you have any information on these missing teens please contact 818-555-1234. Thank you."

Rebecka then turned off the TV and angrily said " What a load of bullshit that is!"

I nodded and said " I know. Where did Justin even get that story from?!?"

Teresia shook her head as she was looking at my laptop. " Hey pewds Marzia is inviting us to Italy with her! She even sent us tickets for the plane by email!"

I looked at the flight date and it was tomorrow. " How are we gonna get there?"

"Easy." Replied Rebecka " We'll take the bus."

I checked my laptop and went to youtube to upload my first video.

After it was done I packed up all of my belongings and went to sleep. I began to think about Marzia and Italy. What if she wasn't who she said she was. What if it was Justin playing a stupid prank? I reassured myself that it wasn't him and fell asleep.

******************* THE NEXT DAY AT 6:30 ******************

" FELIX KJELLBERG WAKE THE HELL UP!!" I heard Teresia scream. God can she be annoying.... I immediately got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I then put on my shoes grabbed my bag and printed out the plane tickets.

As we went out the door I checked the time on my phone. When we got the the front desk and headed out the door we saw the bus pulling up.

We got on and there were a bunch of scary people. One man looked at me like he was going to rape me. I sat down at the back with Teresia and Rebecka only to find that the man sat next to me after I hat sat down.

" Aren't you 3 the missing teens?" He questioned in a low raspy voice.

" No." I replied

" Hmmm.." He mumbled. Then he began to take pictures of us. Rebecka said " Oh helllllll NOO!" As she covered her face.

The man then approached Teresia who was sitting in the corner and said " What about you sweetheart? Don't you like getting your pictures taken?" She replied by saying " Not by a fucking stoner I don't"

" This ones got a mouth on her. I like that. Lets say you ditch these losers and come over to my place. I can even drive you." He insisted

I then pressed the stop button because we were approaching the airport. When we stopped I kicked him in the nuts and ran away.

Teresia then flipped him the finger and said " NO THANKS BIITTTCCHHHH!!"

As we got into the airport we went through security then waited for our plane.

As we waited Rebecka pulled out an Italian English dictionary " I thought of everything didn't I pewdie?" She insisted

" I'm not so sure about that."I joked and I started laughing.

Teresia pulled out her IPhone and began playing Slenderman.

Rebecka and I began to talk about how we were going to translate when all of a sudden I heard " OH MY GAWWDDD HOLY CRAPPPPPP!!! WHAT THE FREAKING SHITTT!!"

I flinched as I saw Teresia screaming about Slenderman. Everyone was staring at her. I said " Teresia you can't scream in an airport!" " Who says?" She asked " I do!" I answered. " But im a day and a half older than you! You can't tell me what to do! HAHAHAHAHA" she laughed sarcastically.

Just then our plane arrived.

I couldn't wait until Italy.


ELLOOOO!! Srry chapter was short. Its really late where I am right now and im getting tired.

Soo how r u Guys liking the story so far??

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- @Unicorns_Forever

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