Chapter 9

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Teresia's P.O.V

That escalated quickly.... I don't even quite understand how it's possible to get sent to the office twice in one day. I would expect this from myself, but not Rebecka.

I see the whole class still in shock of what just happened. One girl in particular who has wavy, brown hair and chocolate brown eyes looks astonished. She looks familiar where have I seen her before? " I can't believe what just happened! What happened with Marisa, she used to be so nice!" The girl states.

I walk over and sit beside her and say " That's what happens when the pubes hit. She's on her period!" The whole class turns and starts to laugh when I say that. Guess I said it to loud..

The girl says " My name is Kayah, I remember you from History class."

" That's cool. But what's wrong with Mr. Rigotti? He seems so creepy." I question

" We've all been wondering that. He's a new teacher at this school and nobody really knows anything about him." She answers.

" Yeah. It seems like something is up with him." I say nervously.

Wow. Guess I have a new friend.

Felix's P.O.V

This is not even fair. I didn't do anything wrong except call Marisa a bitch (which she deserves anyways)

Mr. Rigotti silently escorts us to the principals office, one again. I turn my head to see Rebecka's eyes still red and her face flushed with tears. I stare angrily at Marisa who reminds me of ,Mia, but even worse.

We arrive at the principals office to see Marzia, and her parents sitting in front of the principal. Marzia mouthed the words to me "What happened?" I reply the same way by saying "Long story."

Marzia's mother and father looked disappointed. As soon as I saw their disappointed faces my stomach started to churn. It makes me think of my parents.....

The principal asks Rebecka to explain. She fights back sobs and tears as she tries to explain." Well. Felix, Marisa and I were in drama class." She begins to cry even harder.

I am going to wring Marisa's neck.

I take over and explain for her " We were doing improvisation in drama class, then Marisa called Rebecka fat. Then I called her a bitch."

As I said the word bitch, the principal looked at me angrily.

"Rebecka, Felix you two have already been in my office before today. You will be suspended for a day. Marisa this is your last warning." The principal sighs as if this was hard work.

Rebecka looks at me with tears in her eyes. Ugh. I hate to see anybody crying. I hold back my tears and we leave the office with Mr. Rigotti.

When we get back to the classroom all eyes are on us. Teresia runs up to Rebecka and gives her a hug. " What did the principal say?" She asks.

"We got suspended." She says her voice trailing off at the end.

"Well if your going home right now I will. I just need to do something bad..." Teresia explains

"Teri, that is NOT a good idea. You'll be in huge trouble." I say urgingly.

" PSSSH. Pewds I got this." She says full of confidence, then heads for the fire alarm.

"NOOO TERI DON'T!!!!" Rebecka and I shout while chasing her.

"Teri don't! You could get in so much trou-" Rebecka gets cut off by the sound of the fire alarm.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?" I shout while we are sprinting out of the school. We finally make it out and make a beeline for Teresia's car. We all get in and she drives. We're already "missing persons" now Teresia has committed a crime....

Marzia's P.O.V.

I hear the loud ringing of the fire alarm and I rush out with my parents, weaving in between students. " FELIX?!" I shout while looking for him and his friends. " FELIX WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shout again even more urgently. I get out of the school and call him. All I hear is his voicemail.


A boy with dark hair and sea green eyes rushes over to me "You're looking for Felix?" He asks

" Yes." I said hopefully. " Him and his friends already left. I saw them leaving in one of their cars." Answers the boy. He holds out his hands " I'm Maurizio." He smiles. " I'm Marzia." I shake his hand. " Can I have your phone number? It seems like we could be good friends" Maurizio says with a smile on his face. "Ok." I say giving him my phone number. " Thanks! Ill see you around." He waves bye and goes back to the line of students outside the school.

Maurizio's P.O.V.

I walk away and call the boss. Stupid little girl just made this plan a whole lot easier.

" Hello Maurizio. What do you have for me?" Says the boss.

" I got the girls phone number. The plan will be much easier now." I say

" Haha." Chuckles the boss " Foolish little girl doesn't know a thing. Recite the plan to me. It has to be flawless"

" I contact Stefano and Victor to kidnap the boy and his friends and hold them hostage in their own home. I come over and put them on the plan and fly them to your headquarters in Russia." I whisper so nobody can hear.

" Good. Very good. Now your task at the moment is to locate the girls house and get every single bit of information you can acquire about her, the boy and his friends and give it to me immediately."

" Yes boss. Ill be on it right now." I say then hang up the phone.

I am not really a student from Italy. I am a spy from the Russian mafia sent here from Russia to eliminate the boy, the girl and his 2 friends. They have something that we need desperately and it will pose a threat to us. If our plan works out it will make us unstoppable.

Felix's P.O.V.

When we got home my mind went into panic mode " OH MY FUCKING GOD WE'RE GOING TO JAIL!!" I shouted. I ran upstairs to my room and saw all of my stuff had been looked through. I see my wallet thrown across the room and my suitcase with all its belongings tossed in different places.

I look in my wallet and find everything missing. My heart skips a beat and I immediately thrash around looking for my passport. I search everywhere but I can't find it. This is not good. I walk into Marzia's room and I get hit by a smell of perfume. I open the door and see all of her items thrown across the room.

Somebody has been in here. This wasn't your average everyday break in. They were looking for something. Something to do with us......


Hey guys!!

I haven't updated in so long. IM so thrilled that we reached 1000 reads!!

In the last chapter I wrote I was happy about 330 reads. I would have never imagined that we would achieve 1000!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

I would also like to say that you should enter the contest and read the form! Its an amazing opportunity to be a character in the story and also have your cover as the new book cover!





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BROFIST ...........

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