The Unexpected

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If the girl and boy have agreed
Who in world would dare to disagree

He bought the jewels and the wedding gown
With lovely white shoes completed with a bridal crown

The night before they Wed they met at the same place
She dolled up in what he bought and he saw her by the waves

A Grecian goddess with all her might
Shining under the luminous full moon night

Walking towards him he could imagine it for a while
In the wedding where she would similarly be walking down the aisle

And then she would stand face to face with him and very shy
Till they made their vows and were man and wife

Yes this might happen they both expected
But something unusual would have this day wasted

They sky was overcast with smoky clouds that night
A thunder flashed in the skies turning them blind

When they regained themselves and saw the sky emitting light
The waves lashing against each other as if they were in a fight

They cling to themselves and were horrified with fright
What was happening why did the nature behave so wildly that night

She saw someone familiar coming from the sea
"Father!" She exclaimed and ran to embrace him

He followed her to meet the unusual creature
Who glared at him and asked her "who is this brute with you here?"

"He is the love of my life and has promised to be my husband"
She said and he hit the going to be groom with his trident

"Is this another error you are falling into my daughter?
Like the devil who left you on the shores to suffer"

Said he in rising indignation for her protection
"I'll be his wife tomorrow and live with him in his nation"

She continued to explain him and he said one word and that was it
"Return to your world before its too late for you to be fit

For the life of the sea that you have long abandoned
In the name of your blind love that has now been forgotten"

He left and went under the sea and she was left in dilemma
She turned to her love with tears as she can't be a deceiver

"I wished to return to my life all these years but he never came
And now when I've decided to be with you...whom should I blame?"

She sobbed and he embraced her to comfort her
And thought of something he didn't want to do to her

The wedding was there the next day to be held to decide their future
But what lies beneath is her life and above is her lover

-Asma Shaikh

The Girl By The Sea #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now