The Birthday Girl

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I woke up to people shaking me. I groaned, threw my pillow at them, and turned over. I then heard a large BOOM. I turned over to see CC on the floor, with my pillow in his lap. Then all the guys rushed in to see what happened, and they just bust into laughter. I hopped off of my bunk, and almost fell on CC, because he didnt get up.

"FIRST YOU HIT ME IN THE FAVE WITH A PILLOW, THEN ALMOST CRUSH ME! THANKS BLADE!" He yells playfully."NO PROBLEM CC," I yell back with a smirk on my face,as I walked to the kitchen area.

Then all of the guys come and tackle me in a hug. WHAT THE HELL GUYS?!

"Did you seriously forget what today is?"

"Is it national moron day? Oh wait that's every day with you guys!" I yell jokingly.



Then I see a pile of presents in the front of the bus. "You guys didnt have to get me anything. Being here touring with MY FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME is enough.

"But we wanted to, since you've been in that orphanage all your life, and never got a real birthday!"

"Yes but people made fun of me, so I kind of beat them on my birthday last year, so that was kind of fun!" I say enthusiastically.


"OK OK, GEESH" I yell in defense and pit my hands up in surrender.

From Ash: I got a new red and black bass.

From CC A 20 pack of monster. He made a mistake there, because whenever I drink any kind of energy drink, I get really hyper. But whatever. I'm not going to tell them that.theyll just have to figure that out by themselves.

From jinxx: some guitar pics. Bvb of course!

From jake, an iPod 5 I stare at it in awe. I've never even had a phone before!

And from andy, a MacBook Pro, and an iPhone 5

OOH MY JINXX OH MY JINXX OH MY JINXX! I scream. Thay all burst into laughter. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I scream and tackle all of them in a group hug, I grab my iPod, phone, laptop and monster and sit on the couch. I am gonna set up my iPod and laptop. My phone is already set up, with all the guys contacts, the guys from ptv, fir, sws, and alot of others. I have Facebook,twitter, tumblr, Instagram, and a mirror app. Hey don't judge! A girl needs to look her best.

But I set up my iPod next, and put all my music on there. That concosted of bvb,sws,fir,etf,aa,ptv,evenesance and alot more.

Then I set up my laptop, and set up a Facebook,and twitter. I opened my monster and immediately began bouncing off the walls.

I accidentally tripped over jinxx who was on the floor playing black ops.i fell on my face, army rolled, and got up, just to fall over again.

I then ran up to jinxx and asked him if I could play "sure kiddo!" He tossed me a remote.

IMMA KICK YOUR ASS AT THIS GAME! IM THE MASTER! He yelled at me. After an hour of me winning, he just sat in front of the tv with his mouth open. I beat his high score easily.

"WHOSE THE MASTER NOW JINXX?! OH YEAH,ME!" I did a happy dance all around the bus.


Sorry for the short chapters guys I'm running out of ideas! So if you have any ideas, comments, feedback anything, ill be happy to hear it.

THANKS GUYS remember to vote, fan, comment. It would mean alot to me. THANKS AGAIN GUYS

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