Chapter 5 Temper

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Ava's POV
I don't know why but I can't remember what the head vampire said to me. It's just a blank. I looked at the time that said 4:00 a.m. I need to leave and meet up with the other two. I walk out the door and see that some of the streets and sidewalks have emptied and less people are bustling about. I look around and notice a figure with dark wings and black hair. I start running towards him.
     "Hi Rydian. I have so much I need to tell you about. You'll never believe what I saw..." He turns and I see his face. It's not Rydian.
     "Hello little lady, aren't you just a beauty. Such an innocent face and precious being." 
He looks about Rydian's age and he starts to walk over. I back up and he lunges and grabs my hands. I struggle, but he manages to tie them in a dark smoke along with my legs. He then picks me up in his arms and starts to walk away while no one even batted an eye to what was happening.
     That's when batman came. It wasn't really batman but he sure looked like it. Big bat wings and jet black hair. His black armor and demonic charm. An aura of death and darkness around him.
     "Abaddon, let her go or I swear, I will send you back to the demonic realm!" Rydian came down on to the ground, a crater at his feet. Abaddon turned and looked at Rydian, confidence on his face.
     "A puny demon such as you will take down the great Abaddon? Ha, you amuse me."
     "I may be puny in your eyes, but you are scaring Ava. This is something you will pay for." He then jumped at Abaddon and jabbed him with a shoulder blade. Abaddon dropped me and started bleeding black ichor. A face of shock was evident that turned to anger. He charged at Rydian. That's the last thing Abaddon ever did. Rydian took a black sword out and stabbed it straight through Abaddon. Abaddon just disappeared in a pile of dust.
The bindings around my hands and legs disappeared. Rydian ran over to me and tried to help me up. I couldn't stand. My legs were numb and I couldn't feel them. This was probably a temporary side effect from the demon bindings.
"Rydian, I can't stand. I can't even feel my legs." I gave him a worried look. He returned the look. He picked me up in both arms and started walking towards the wolf bar. We saw Jayden walking out and he came over.
"Why you carrying Ava?" He asked Rydian. I answered for him.
"There was another demon who tried to kidnap me, but Rydian came and saved me. The demon put bindings around my legs and now..." I went quiet, looking at my legs.
"We can fix this, I think." Said Rydian. "Let's head home and sleep."
We started walking towards the building we came out of. It looked like a skyscraper. But we could see the marks above the door with a moon in the middle. I started to get drowsy. My eyes shut and I went to sleep.
I woke up to yelling. I looked at my alarm which said 6:00am. I've only been sleeping for an hour and a half. Rydian and Jayden were yelling at each other in the kitchen. I realized I could feel my legs again. I silently got out of bed. I slipped on my slippers and opened the door quietly. I crept into the hallway and glanced around the corner and saw Rydian and Jayden.
"'s your fault that she was harmed! You must have told one of the demons at your club that you hung out with her. This wouldn't have happened otherwise!" Jayden finished. I couldn't see Rydian's face.
"Jayden, I did not tell anyone that she even existed." Rydian said cooly, a scary quietness in his voice. "So drop this idea that it's my fault or I will punish you."
"You have no authority to punish me and I will not drop this. You put Ava in harms way by telling..." Jayden got quiet. An aura of rage and anger erupted from Rydian. Black smoke uncurled itself from Rydian and wrapped around Jayden. The smoke tendrils swung Jayden into the wall and let go. Jayden collapsed on impact. The smoke retracted back to Rydian. The aura dispersed and Rydian turned around.
I ducked back into the hallway and walked into my room. When I turned to go into my room, Rydian was sitting on my bed.
"How much did you hear?" He asked with a soft voice. He looked at me intently.
"Most of it. I also saw what you did to Jayden. It was...Scary." I said quietly.
     Rydian looked down and seemed ashamed of his behavior. He can be so confusing sometimes with his mood swings but other times he is easy to read.
     "Ava, I know it was scary, but you need to understand that I was given authority and I don't want it to be questioned. The only thing I wish for is to keep you protected. Jayden feels the same way. We  just don't trust each other to do the task." I guess it makes sense. I just don't understand why they want to protect me. We don't really know each other.
     "Now, you should probably get back to sleep. I'll make sure Jayden is tended to for all his injuries he probably got after his punishment." He got up to leave.
     "Wait...can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" It sounds childish because I'm sixteen. This is my first time in this new house that I've gone to sleep on purpose.
"Everything that's been happening has got me on edge. I'm scared of this new life." I finished.
"Ok, I'll stay with you until your asleep." He said with an understanding look. I laid down and closed my eyes. I felt the bed slightly sink when Rydian laid down on top of the covers next to me. He stared at the ceiling while I slowly drifted off.

Hey guys, it's Rider here. Some action is rising in our story and things are getting interesting between our characters. Who's excited to find out what's gonna happen? Me! Tell me in the comments if their are any mistakes. Is that the wrong their. Probably. Whatever. Bye bye.

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