There's A Pervert In The Cupboard

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Woohooo!!! It's my first story on wattpad!!! Please tell me if I made any errors in grammar (which I like to call grammatizationising), spelling, usage, or punctuation. I may be an honor student, but I DO NOT LIKE TO LISTEN IN ENGLISH CLASS. It's boring. Anyway, please read my story and tell me if I should continue, or try again. I will upload the next two chapters if you think I should continue. Thanks :D

BTW I dedicate this to KokenzkenzY! My first friend here!


My life became a roller coaster when I hid inside a cupboard.

Yes, a cupboard, in the home ec room.

It was my free period, and as immature as it may sound, I was being chased by my friend around in the hallways. Students are not allowed to run in the hallway, but nobody paid us any attention anyway, so we continued running.  I took Sylvia, my best friend’s favorite left shoe a few minutes ago, and ran like hell. Yeah, so now she's chasing me for Sylvia. Why she named her shoe Sylvia, I don’t know. Why I took it, I don’t know either.

Anyway, I ran into the home ec room, since I knew that Catherine (my bff) will never think that I’d hide there. I collapsed on the floor, out of breath, when I got inside. A few seconds later I heard Cathy-cat screaming my name, so I ducked inside the nearest hiding place; the cupboard. It’s very horrible in there, but hey, given the choice between the cupboard and the oven, I’d happily crawl in the cupboard.

“Joy…” Cathy said, “I know you’re in there…”

I tried hard not to laugh, and heard the door close.  I’m safe! Woohooo!!! After my little celebration, I pushed on the door of the cupboard, and after a few pushes, I realized that it was jammed. What the hell? I rattled the door, but it didn’t budge.

“Hello?” I called, “anybody there?”

“Yeah, Anybody’s here.” A deep voice answered. I was so surprised that I actually jumped a bit and hit my head. “Ow,” I muttered. Then, I remembered why I called out “Well, Anybody, would you be so kind and help me get out?”

“Why should I?”

“Because you’re so nice and you’ll help a stupid little girl in need.”


Well, that was easy. The door opened and I crawled out on all fours. “Thanks, I really-“ I was going to thank the guy, but there was nobody there when I looked up.


I grabbed Sylvia and ran the hell out of that room. Once I found Cathy, I started jumping up and down.

“CathyCathyCathy!” I screamed, “A ghost talked to me!”

She looked at me like I was crazy and yanked Sylvia from my hand. “Sure.” I pulled her into an empty classroom. “I’m serious!” I whispered, “The dead talked to me!”

“Really?” she said sarcastically, “What’s its name?”


“You’re crazy.”

“Then don’t believe me, but I swear, I heard Anybody!”

She rolled her eyes at me. “Whatever you say, now grab your book and let’s get to Biology class.”

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to my locker and then the bio room. I was scowling all the way. My best friend does not believe me. Sure, it sounded a bit weird--okay a lot weird--but still! She’s my best friend, and it’s her duty to believe everything I say! Now, what’s gonna happen next? Oh no, what if the ghost follows me home? I think I really am going crazy. And I’m going to end up in an asylum! And the ghost will still follow me!

There's A Pervert In The Cupboard (I can't think of a title, so yea.)Where stories live. Discover now