I'll Be in the Library, Plotting Your Demise

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here's another chapter :D hope you like it! and please tell me if I got anything wrong or if I made anything confusing!! sorry for the errors!!!



You know what the best feeling in the world is?

Being able to sneeze when your nose itches.

The worst feeling?

Being unable to sneeze when your nose itches.

Fortunately, I was able to experience the world’s best feeling. After giving a sigh of relief, I smiled at Cathy. She was sitting on her bed, adjacent to mine, and giving me a thumbs up. “Hey,” I said, “remember Sandra?” Cathy raised her eyebrows. “Yeah. Why?”

“She’s the best scientist ever!” I screamed. Yes, screamed. “Remember when we talked about resistance in Physics? She got electrocuted the next day. Then when we talked about gravity and friction, she fell from the roof and slid down the trunk of a tree while hugging it. That’s curiosity.”

“That’s stupidity, Joy. What was she doing on the roof?”

“Don’t know, don’t care.”

She tossed a lollipop at me. I gladly unwrapped it and stuck it in my mouth.

Then she decided to ask the question I’ve been trying to avoid all day.

“What’s up with you and Mikey?”

“Um…” I started, “Nothing. That pervy momma’s boy got me hit with a ball at the stomach.” Catherine’s eyes widened. “He hit you with a ball?” I snorted at that. “No, cathy-cat. I hurled a ball at his face during Phys ed, got momentarily distracted by his misery, and got hit by a ball myself.”

“Distracted by Mikey, huh?” She said, wiggling her eyebrows. “Shut up Catherine,” I snapped and threw a pillow at her face. Lucky I have a rocket launcher for an arm.

Come to think of it, I’ve always been good at throwing things—balls, pillows, books, shoes, pens, markers, scissors, and of course, the occasional knife. I can also catch anything thrown at me—usually with any part of my body other than my hands. I think it’s nature’s idea of “funny.”

“Whatever, hun. I’m going to sleep now.”

“What?” I screamed on top of my lungs, “It’s too early! I am so not going to let you!”

I screamed and ran and jumped around our messy room, trying to keep Cathy awake.

I did NOT succeed. Oh well. There’s always tomorrow night. After quitting my hopeless task of keeping Catherine awake, I settled on pranking her. I did the most classic of all pranks: write on her face. Then, I hid all writing materials in the room, ‘cause you never know when karma’s going to take a bite out of your ass.

Turns out karma waits for ten hours. I woke up feeling like I just climbed Mt. Everest.

It was soooooooo cold.

Then I realized I was outside our room and in the hallway. “Catherine!” I screeched, “You are going to pay!”

That was the start of my horrible day: waking up on the floor of the hallway. I cursed as I got up and started stomping into our room. Not bothering to spare a glance at Cathy, I stalked off into the bathroom. Afterwards, I changed into my uniform and sent a glare at Cathy, who stuck her tongue out at me. Pulling on a pair of blue thigh highs and my flat boots, I plotted her demise.


“Hey Cathy…” I said in a sing-song voice, and then sent her my most evil glare. “How fast can you run?”

“Shit!” she screamed ran out into the hall.

I bolted after her, not bothering to eat breakfast first. I must have ran after her for too long because I was still outside when the final bell rang. Uh-oh. I ran like hell to get to my first class, Physics.

I got detention for being late.

Math followed, and I got owned by Mr. Saunders. Free period was pretty uneventful, Biology was a meh, English sucked because Ms. Castillo gave a quiz, but lunch was redemption.

I was very, very hungry, and our cafeteria was heaven—the place being white added to the effect, too—there was food everywhere. That’s one of the awesome things here in our school: we have a large variety of food to choose from, and everything tasted good, except for the pizza.

If you want to live, stay far away from the pizza.

If you still want some pizza, I advise that you just order from outside school grounds.

I bought spaghetti and meatballs and coke and plopped down our usual table. Cathy and Rush were having a blast laughing at my misery. “Oh, haha. Just you two wait when I get my revenge.”

“Hey!” Rush yelled, “How did I get involved?” I gave him the evil eye. “You laughed at me.” He gulped, and I knew that it was because he knew that I am good at revenge.

“Mikey’s staring at you again,” Cathy butted in. “Don’t change the subject , Catherine. You’re both still doomed.”

“Oh, come on!” She whined. “Lighten up.”

I rolled my eyes. “You know what, I think I need some time alone. I’ll be in the library, plotting your demise.”

After taking my jacket from my locker, I went to the library. Don’t want to freeze there. I marched straight to the used books section and sat on the floor with Peter Pan.

“That book again?” Mikey the pervert suddenly materialized beside me. “What do you want, McKenzie?”


“Fuck you. Leave me alone, I’m already having a bad day.”

He chuckled lowly. “Then I’ll make it better.” I snorted. “You can’t make detention better McKenzie.” Mikey looked at me. “Oh, I bet I can. And call me Mikey.” I nodded.

“I see you’re wearing your jacket today, Joy. I thought you don’t like wearing it.”

“Don’t want to get cold.”

Mikey leaned his head on my shoulder. I scooted away. He followed and did it again. I moved further away. He still followed. I stood up and walked to the corner farthest from him. He followed as I was sitting down.

“Leave me alone, Mikey,” I said as I gave an exasperated sigh. He looked at me with puppydog eyes. “Joy, would it kill you to be nice to me?”

“Yes, and I’m too young to die. Now go crawl under a rock or something.”

“I guess you’re in the surname mood. Somber.” With that, Mikey McKenzie left.

I went to history after my little run-in with Mikey when I noticed the time. Funny I didn’t hear the bell ring.

Oh, well.

History passed by without me even noticing it (I fell asleep in class), and I found myself having a hard time making myself go to Phys Ed.

Ugh. Another class with the pervert.

I wonder if I could ditch this class? I already have detention, anyway. Hmm….. Gym or no gym? Nah. Strauss, gym teacher extraordinaire, would make me do push-ups or something tomorrow if I ditched.

So I dragged my ass to gym class.

That rhymed! And fortunately, Mikey wasn’t there. This day is starting to get better.

“Somber! Can you show Mr. Henry here how to climb a wall properly?

“Yes, sir!”

There's A Pervert In The Cupboard (I can't think of a title, so yea.)Where stories live. Discover now