Beware, The Blue Haired Troll

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BTW I TOTALLY DEDICATE THIS TO buh-bye :D da best ka!!!!

Oh. My. Gasoline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry if I haven't been updating!!! I'm far too busy at school, but I'll make up for it on our christmas vacation xD so right now, here's another chapter :D sorry if it's a filler xD I'll try to write more (I'm in the school library btw, brought in my laptop to take advantage of the science department's wi-fi)


 Comment if you get the title and the picture's meaning!!! -------------->


Have you ever had the feeling of impending doom, even though there is absolutely nothing wrong?

Yeah, I’m having one of those feelings. Why? Because I think Joy is up to something.

Well, whatever. Let her plan my death, at least she no longer hates me.

“So do you forgive me now?” I asked. Joy pretended to think about it. “Hmm… I don’t know. Should I?” I mocked glared at her. “Fine, I forgive you for being a pervert.”

Whoa. I feel like Joy during Christmas! Grinning, I held out my hand. “Friends?” Joy looked at my hand and then at me, with a look that clearly says a handshake? Are you crazy? “Sure,” she answered and slapped me.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“Being friends, dumbass! Since you’re my newest friend, I have to slap you. The guys will slap you, too! Welcome to our little circle.”

Then, she wrapped her arms around me, and damn, did it feel good. At first I didn’t know what she was doing, but when I realized that she was hugging me, I felt awesome. Joy Somber, a girl who is so hardcore you wouldn’t think she was a hugger, was hugging me! Well, it was more of a side hug, because I was sitting beside her, but hey, you gotta make the best out of everything.

I messed up her hair when she pulled away. “Was that part of protocol, too?”  I asked. She blushed (SCORE!!!) and punched me lightly. “Yeah, and Rush is no exception, kid. But don’t worry, it will be one of your ‘manhugs’ with the back slapping thing.”

I didn’t mind the “Rush Hug” dilemma. All I could think of was how cute Joy is when she blushes. Yeah, her cheeks go all red and stuff.

 “Whatever, Friend,” I grinned at her, “Come on, let’s go to Biology.”

I stood and helped her up. We walked out the library together, and yes, we did earn a suspicious look from the librarian.

“Aren’t you gonna tell me your real name, since we’re friends and all?” Joy asked when we got there. Ugh. I thought she would leave that subject alone? I smirked at her and shook my head.  “Please?” she said in a squeaky voice. It was weird, I tell you. I shook my head again, but she continued bugging me about it.  I just shook my head repeatedly (it was very dizzying). “Why don’t you ever talk in public?” she asked while poking my rib. I shrugged. “Ugh!” Joy suddenly screamed, “Why don’t you just tell me what your name really is?”

The entire classroom (or the people inside it) turned their heads to look at us. Girls and their screams.

“Somber, McKenzie, is there something you would like to share?” stupid Bio teacher asked. Joy smirked and stood up. Proudly. Which means she’s up to something. “Mikey won’t say his real name.”


There's A Pervert In The Cupboard (I can't think of a title, so yea.)Where stories live. Discover now