First Lesson
Mia's P.O.V.
Everything is so strange in this school. How am I going to fit in?
According to my schedule, my last lesson is drama. Room 012B.
I walked in, and as I did, a crowd of unknown faces run up to me.
" hey, I'm Katy" a girl with a very high pitched voice sticks her hand out in front of my face, for me to shake it, hint of sarcasm in her tone.
I shake it awkwardly, and straight away more people bombard me with their greetings. I hear someone ask if I'm new and if I'll be in their group, as if it isn't obvious.I'll be honest here, I hoped I'll see some cute guys in this school. I mean after a year in all girls school, I've kind of missed boys being around.
Well anyways, there were NO cute guys, what so ever. Not even close.
See the sarcasm here?Next, I observed the girls.
Straight away, I ignored the "I'm so peng" group of girls and moved on to the more decent ones. Well, all I see is one of THE MOST posh girls I've ever seen in my life.
Head high, queens posture, a demanding voice and, what I later found out, she has a posh name to, Elisabeth. Not sure if I'll ever want to be one of her peasants.Next, I look at the girl who I've shook hands with. Sweet, quiet, awkward. Well, I guess my first impression of her was very wrong. But I'm more of a lively person, I think we're too different to be friends in the future. She's quiet and I'm not. Sorry.
My judging of the people in my group was interrupted, when the bell rang and the lesson has begun...
Hey guys! This is my first story. How are you liking it so far?
Well, as I write more chapters, things will get HOT! So don't be disappointed too quickly.Lots Of Love, Angel xxx

Love Me Please
RomanceLove, so hopeless making even the strongest person weak. When one falls in love, they're biggest fear is not be loved back. Mia is just an ordinary girl who has just moved from an all girls school to an ordinary school. What she doesn't know is th...