What's Wrong?
Mia's P.O.V.
I ran into my class room just when the bell rang. Great, now I have a detention. I saw Katy and Elly standing up, ready to go to their first lesson.
"Hey guys!" I greeted them.
"Hi, Angy" Elly said. She loves making up nicknames for everyone.
"Heyyy, Angel!" Katy shouted excitedly in her high pitched voice. How could I ever think she was quiet?
"Late again? Want me to wait for you after school?" She asked kindly.
"No, no. I don't want you to wait 30min. That's too long. You guys don't wait up for me."
"I wasn't going to!" Elly says in a 'as it wasn't obvious' way. She is nowhere near posh any more. Wow, time changes people.We made our way to science.
I sat down in my assigned seat, and thats were the boring lesson begun. Half way through the lesson, I realised Nathan is missing. I started looking around, maybe he was moved to another table, but he was no where around. Thats strange...Break time was boring without Nathan. Katy and Elly discussed their debating competition. And I just sat there, drinking water.
My 3rd lesson, was PE GCSE so I didn't see any of my friends for the next hour.
Finally, Lunch Time!
We all meet up in the discussion room. But today Katy and Elly have school council meeting for the whole of the lunch time. I'm left alone, again.As I walk down the corridor, heading to the discussion room, I see Nathan speed walking towards the stairs.
"Nathan!" I shout and run after him.
He turns to walk down the stairs and disappears. I run to the stairs and run down them. But Nathan is no where seen...
Didn't he hear me shout out his name?
Why wasn't he in Science? Was he in any lesson at all today?
Questions fill my head, giving me a head ache...End of the school day. I say my goodbyes to Katy and Elly and leave to go to the detention room.
I sit there for full 30 minutes before I'm dismissed to go home.
I open the door, and instinctively look for Nathan.
He always waits for me after the detention.
But I can't see him anywhere.Something is not right here...
Hey, hey, hey!!!
What do you think is happening ?
Where's is Nathan and what's going on?
Is he angry at Angel for any particular reason?You will soon find out!
Love you guys, Angel xxx

Love Me Please
RomanceLove, so hopeless making even the strongest person weak. When one falls in love, they're biggest fear is not be loved back. Mia is just an ordinary girl who has just moved from an all girls school to an ordinary school. What she doesn't know is th...