Chapter ~ 10

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(Trigger warning!- This chapter will contain self-harm. Read at your own risk)

Mia's P.O.V.

I ran, tears streaming down my face. I did not know where I was heading to, but when I saw the gates I knew straight away I'm not staying in school.
Luckily the gates were open so I rushed through them and ran through the field. I stopped since I was out of breath. As I stopped, the reality slapped me across the face leaving an inevitable bruise. I completely broke down, and fell on my knees, ignoring the muddy ground.
How could he do this to me?

I was waiting on the bus stop, I needed any bus that would take me to my secret spot.

I got on the bus, and texted my friend...
-I ran away... I'm sorry for everything... Goodbye
She replied with a worrying message:
-what happened?! Where are you? Mia tell me where are you?!!
Tears forming again, I can't handle this pain. I switched off my phone.

"This bus terminates here, please take all your belongings with you"

I ran out of the bus, heading straight towards the little forest that was at the end of the park. I ran through the little pathway.
Bridge one... Second bridge... And third. I just need to jump to the other side of the river and I will finally reach my secret place.
I stepped a bit back to have more distance to build up my speed.
I ran as fast as I could, and jumped...
I landed right at the edge of the river, which was the result of slipping on the wet soil. I climbed up, all muddy. But I didn't care, my tears were drying and being replaced with new ones. Sadness was now replaced by anger. I was so filled with it... I needed a realise from this pressure in my body that I've never felt before.
I opened my bag searching for something that would give me a clue on what to do next. I looked deeper into my bag and found my pencil case.
Thats when I saw it. Sharpener, perfect... I didn't have time to try to open it nicely, so since it was a plastic one I just simply snapped it in half and cut my thumb in the process.

I was staring at the razor... So sharp... Tears streaming down my face, once again...
I didn't want him to do that... I love him... I trusted him-
Blood streamed to both sides of my wrist. But that wasn't enough. I cut an identical line, but making it even deeper. I wanted- no, I needed it to go through my vein... He used me-
I watched more blood drip, on the light grey rock that I was sitting on...
I done 6 identical lines... The blood now started streaming down the rock...
I felt dizzy-


Sorry guys for writing this, but I'm not in the mood so I thought I would just write what I feel like. Besides, it still follows the story line...

Love you ~ Angel xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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