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A/N: Thank you for sticking with me. :) :)

I started this whole story before we knew for definite that Uncle was part of the Academy.  I didn't think he was, ( I was wrong. :) ) Anyway, in this story, he's not part of the Academy.  He's aware of it, knows it's more than a school but that's all.

Huge thank you to SilasAggeleMou for her hard work. :)  I hope you all enjoy this one.

Sang's POV

"Good morning, everyone."

I froze, I couldn't help it. I felt Luke slide his hand onto my lower back and I instantly relaxed.

"Uncle," I managed, putting the toast I was eating back onto my plate. He came into the kitchen, crossing to the fridge. He took out the carton of orange juice.

Silas and Luke called good morning, North grunted something as he poured over a motorcycle magazine he had open in front of him. He was demolishing a huge plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. So were Silas and Luke, I had the same, but less.

"Don't be rude!" Uncle moved past North, clipping him up the back of the head lightly.

"What? I said hello!" North scowled at him.

"I taught you better than to read at the table! Especially when in the presence of a beautiful lady," Uncle scolded him. "Careful, North, or I may just charm her away from you."

I couldn't help the giggle that left my lips and when I saw Uncle beam at me, it made me relax completely.

"Oh, yeah, and what will Erica say if she finds out she has competition?" Luke chuckled and Uncle sent him a narrow eyed look.

"Ms Lee, to you, boy," he said.

"Really? Shouldn't you be thinking of making a Taylor out of her?" North said and I almost choked at his words. I wasn't sure if they even liked each other like that.

Uncle laughed and slapped North's back. "You mind your own business," he said and looked across at Luke. "And I will mind my own." He gave him a wink and then turned to me. "So, pretty girl, are you able to cover the evening shifts next week? From six to closing?"

I didn't think we had anything planned for the week, except driving Betty and that didn't have to be every day. I looked at North in case I had forgotten something.

"Only Saturday, our graduation," Silas murmured and North nodded.

"Oh, yes, well, I'm closed anyway. Can't miss my boys graduating from their Academy, can I?"

I wondered then what he knew of the Academy, if he thought it was a normal school. It occurred to me that he must know more than that. He never questioned why they had to join Ashley Waters for a year. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the front door. Luke jumped up.

"Probably Mr B," he said and left the room quickly. I finished my piece of toast and was draining the last of my juice from my glass when Luke came back in with Owen.

"Mr Taylor." He acknowledge Uncle as he stepped up behind me. He made no move to touch me. "Sang, boys." I murmured a hello, feeling uncomfortable again.

"Owen." Uncle nodded at him, putting his empty glass into the sink. "I need to get a move on. Are you coming back tonight, Sang?"

"No, I don't think so," I said, feeling the blush creep across my cheeks.

"Have a good day then and I'll see you Monday at the Dinner," he said with a smile. "North, are you ready?"

"Yeah." North got up and put his plate in the sink. He came over to me and bending down he kissed me right on my mouth. "See you later, Baby," he murmured and then kissed me again.

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