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I am so sorry as to how long it's taking me to get these chapters out here. No excuse. I shall try harder in future. 

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting though. I would have given up long ago if it wasn't for you.

Huge thank you to SilasAggeleMou for her usual hard work in making this readable. 

Sang's POV

I loved the condo. It was massive, clean and beautifully decorated with enough room for all ten of us. But in all honesty I would have been happy in a motel as long as we were all together. I loved going to sleep at night knowing that we were all together under one roof, and I loved waking up knowing I would see them all.

I stayed in with North and Silas last night. It'd been a long, exciting day travelling to Oregon and once we'd made ourselves at home, unpacked and explored, we'd gone down to the store that filled the bottom level of the building. We'd bought enough groceries to last us two days and then gone back up. I'd collapsed soon after, falling asleep wrapped up in Nathan's arms on the sofa. They'd woken me enough to change into sleep clothes and then I'd gone back to sleep between North and Silas.

I still got the occasional nightmares, but they were few and far between these days. I'd slipped back a bit after Hendricks, but talking them through with North took away the dark shadows. I was healing, and it was thanks to my nine superheros.

We were in a room that had an ensuite attached to it. The shower was massive and the bath was a corner one. North ran the bath for me while he took a quick shower, and then I washed up quickly in the bath while Silas showered. It was a level of intimacy that I never thought I would be able to achieve with them. None of my boys were self conscious of their bodies, but I was still unable to walk around naked in front of them. But sharing a bathroom like that was easier than running around in nothing but my skin.

As soon as we were ready, we headed down the hall to the stairs that would take us to the open plan living area. Victor was standing in front of a closed door, shaking his head in exasperation.

"That's decided!" He declared, his arms folding over his chest.

"What is?" North asked. I moved forwards and reached up to kiss Victor on the cheek.

"Morning, Princess." His previous exasperation melted as he bent and kissed me properly.

"Use ours. It's free," I told him quietly.

"I love you," he said and pushed his way through North and Silas to get to where we had slept.

"When we get our own house," he shouted back over his shoulder. "We're going have ten bedrooms and ten bathrooms!"

"Noted, Mr Morgan." Owen's voice came from behind me and I turned to smile up at him. "Good morning, Sang, did you sleep well?"

"I slept very well, thank you," I told him. He held out his arm for me and I caught it as we carried on downstairs.

"This morning we're going to sit down together, all of us, and work out what we want to do each day. We won't make the same mistake we made last time, Sang."

"Mistake?" We crossed into the kitchen area that was separated from the main living area with a long breakfast bar. North went ahead to peer over Kota's shoulder to where he was cooking bacon on the stove top. It smelt amazing and my stomach rumbled.

"We didn't really take into account what you wanted to do," Owen clarified as Kota came over and kissed me. North slid into where he'd stood, but Kota turned and shoved him out of the way.

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