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Luke felt like a complete mess. His hair had dried weirdly from the chlorine and he had a pair of jeans and a swim team sweatshirt on. He was happy though. He was having ice cream for the first time with the other guys and he was really happy.

"How are you liking real ice cream, Luke? Your parents being vegan and all," Ashton said jokingly, chuckling at the boy that moaned, full on moaned, for the eighth time after eating his first few bites of ice cream.

"I'm in Atlantis Ashton. I am in pure Atlantis," Luke said, his voice coming out as a moan.

"You did incredible today. You were only like a second in the water and you had already passed everyone by multiple feet," Calum said, making the blonde boy blush.

He found what he had done relatively easy and if he had his tail he would've been done by the time everyone had dove into the water. He didn't see why it was such a big deal but apparently it was.

"It's no big deal, it was relatively simple without currents going against me," Luke explained, running his fingers through his hair, hoping and praying to Poseidon that the tangles in his hair would come out.

"You outswam people that have been swimming since they were four years old. You outswam state champs. That's a pretty huge deal."

"You were possible the only one that didn't go up for air, do you have gills or something?" Ashton asked jokingly and all Luke could do was awkwardly chuckle.

"I'm just a fast swimmer. I like swimming and it's one of the things my parents would let me do a lot of. It just became normal for me," Luke said shrugging.

"At least they let you do something. It seemed like they wouldn't let you do anything," Calum said.

"My parents were just a bit controlling. Like hammerheads. They were terrified of the land, I mean outdoors, and they didn't want me to explore as much," Luke explained.

"Hammerheads?" Ashton asked, confused at what Luke had said.

"Like the sharks. Means they're tough and strict? You guys don't know what I'm talking about?" Luke asked sadly. This was common slang in his part of the ocean and it kind of upset him that no one understood such simple terms.

"Another fucking fish pun leaves his lips and I am out. Or more like I will swim away as he would say," Michael grumbled.

"Stop being a dick Michael," Luke said angrily. Ashton had taught him that word the day before and he had been waiting to use it against Michael since then.

"He finally didn't call me a flounder. Calum, this day is going down in the history books," Michael cheered sarcastically before scooping more rocky road into his mouth.

"Why are you so insulting? Is it because your parents don't care enough about you so you have to take it out on others?" Luke asked, taunting Michael.

Michael's jaw clenched before he reached across the table and hit Luke right across the face. It was kind of like a cat swipe and Luke couldn't process what had just happened. Luke sat a bit stunned by the force and Ashton and Calum who weren't paying attention for a few seconds went completely silent. They saw Luke clutching his jaw and Michael cracking his knuckles as if nothing had happened.

"Never ever mention my parents Hemmings or you will regret it and you will be simple canned tuna. I won't hesitate to hurt you more than what I just did. Do you understand me?" Michael started questioning, Luke still holding his jaw and tears brimming in his eyes.

"You will not hurt him Michael Gordon Clifford. He has no idea and you were insulting him first. He just did a reflex comeback and didn't realize it would hurt you. You will not touch him in any way that isn't loving? Do you understand me?" Ashton asked, quickly moving in front of Luke so that Michael couldn't hit him again.

"I think the problem with you two is that you guys don't know each other and that's why you guys don't get along. Ashton and I are going to force you two to hang out together this Friday no matter what. You guys will put aside your differences whether you want to or not for the sake of this group. Michael, you cannot hit him again and you will not leave him stranded anywhere. Luke, you will not mention Michael's family and you will not cry. Just please. I don't like seeing you cry. Do I make myself clear?" Calum asked, looking at Michael, then at Luke, and then back at Michael.

"Fine," Michael grumbled. Luke just simply nodded his head.

"Please try and be friends. I promise you both are more alike than you'd think. You'll have a lot of fun. You both will hang out and bond. Please just take this seriously for Calum and I," Ashton said.

Luke sighed and nodded his head again and Michael did the same.

"Good. How about we go to my house now to continue celebrating?" Calum asked, tugging on Ashton's hand and waiting for the other two to get up and follow.

"If I even hear one more fish comment I will hit him again. Or just leave."

"Michael Gordon Clifford, stop being such a dick," Luke said, loving the way the word 'dick' sounded coming out of his mouth. He really had to thank Ashton again for showing him.


This was longer than I expected. I was originally gonna have this be a filler but it became more intense? You'll find out why Michael was so defensive in like chapter 22 so you'll have to wait a bit. It'll bring everything together. I'm sure Bethany's (1995mgc) the only one that knows what happens. I'm excited. There will be a muke //date// next chapter.


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