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with coloured hair
and twisted smiles
we run
we run
we run

we run from the
normalities that society puts against us
from the beckoning call of
do this
do that
come here
get back

we wander far from the perplexed faces
of the ones who'd ask us
the ones to which we'd reply
why not
the ones who wouldn't
chase after us
but would still somehow
provide us
with the sensation
of crippling fear
of pressure

pressure to run

and we'd find ourselves

lost in the reds and blues and yellows scattered across the ground
on a Spring's morning
lost under the heat of the rays
on a Summer's afternoon
lost in the crunch of the brown and green
on an Autumn's evening
frozen in time
on a black and white Winter's night

but that's where we find our comfort

lost, and never found.


'Lost' or alternatively titled 'Run'.

So I watched a few spoken poetry videos by a YouTuber called Savannah Brown and then this happened

I have no idea


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