I arrive home exhausted but happily welcoming 468 more bucks to my bank account. Ah I love money. Whoever said money can't buy you happiness obviously is poor and has never experienced the feeling of being able to buy whatever you desire without worrying about the price.
Fecit has most likely gone to sleep. I wouldn't wanna stay up past midnight to wait for a virtual human to come back from work just so they could put them in a bed to sleep either.
Can I curl up on the couch on my own accord? I wonder. Knowing zims, it probably won't be an option.
I sigh loudly and look walk over to my laptop. At least video games I can play on my own.
Oh you thought zims just shut off when you turned off your computers? No, what the hell is wrong with you? We are living virtual beings! Even if you quit the application or even go as far and uninstall the game from your software, we will still be alive. We're like ticks and fleas. We never seem to die no matter how many times you squish us.
We will slowly die of course because of the lack of nourishment and our bladders will most likely pop from the pressure of all the urine, but you know, as long as you stay caring for us we will be fine.
I start up Charcoal Ops 3 and plug my controller into my laptop.
After 2 hours of shooting zombies faces in, I've managed to reach level 10 video game skill. Telling by the noise coming from the screen's top right hand corner, I'd say I just went up another level.
I wish XU would make skill levels for procrastination. I would've maxed out that skill a day ago if it was a thing. I guess I'll only be able to play video games for 4 nights in a row before work stops on Tuesday. Gotta start wandering randomly over to the bookshelf when Fecit is online, I want he/she to see I am really interested in buying new reading material and want 3 more shelves of novels. There is a sequel to 'Inside The Cage' so I'm most certainly going to indirectly plead Fecit for it. God, that's gonna be a challenge.
The clock reads 3:48am. Great. I don't even know when Fecit will come back online. He/she could decide to wake up at 11:00 in the morning then not play zims until 4:00 in the afternoon! Really annoying that rabbit-assed snail outside of the screen doesn't have a set sleep schedule and comes online at specific times.
Did you know your zims can see what your Googling when you are on your laptop? The zims app doesn't even have to be open. If we have a computer in our house, then, whatever you're doing, we will see on our laptop screens. We can't change anything of course. Only watch it, like a TV show. So next time you wanna go searching up private things that you probably wouldn't want anyone else to see, then make sure you're in an 'incognito window', that the only way we zims won't be able to see what your googling. Maybe my Fecit doesn't know about this detail yet, so I'll hopefully be receiving season 1 of 'Mystery Google Searches' quite soon. It'll be some entertainment at least in the boring place.
A welcoming sort of melody starts to play, meaning that my Fecit has come online. When a lonely kind of melody plays, that means they have exited Zims. When a sneaky sounding melody plays, it means that the Zims app is still running and hasn't been quitted yet. Pretty cool how we get warnings from the game huh? Thanks XU. Only sims can hear it though so screw y'all.
Fecit instantly notices my need for food. I guess I hadn't noticed it until now, ray-gunning zombies must've distracted me from my growing hunger.
I begin making toast. How bloody boring. I wonder if I eat too much of a certain food, that I get ill. Can zims even become sick? Like needing a hospital sick? Don't know. Maybe I'm allergic to wheat, that might be good. Wait wait no that would be horrible if there isn't a doctor I can be taken to, because I'm not gonna die from a wheat rash or something. Imagine if that was written on my grave stone or something.

Controlled- A Video Game-Based Novel
De Todo"Hey there! Main character here. Can't tell you my name yet because, you know, you gotta read the book first otherwise, what's the point?" "Hey! I wanna talk too!" "Shush. They haven't read about you yet. Butt out. You'll be spoiling the potential...