"Shit what are we gonna do Capri?!" I say in frustration and start pacing in front of the portal thing.
Why would Emma just walk into a black hole?
"We gotta go after her Dean. She's your friend and she just got swallowed up by a black hole." Capri says.
"Good point but we don't know where that leads to, it could lead to our death for all we know!"
"Okay calm the fuck down Winchester. We'll get her back. I'm 90% confident that we won't die."
I look at her, nod then smile.
"Okay then. I trust you, but if you're wrong then none of your favourite TV show for a week."
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.
"Death would be less painful than that."
"Well then you'll have to be sure we'll live then." I say.
She crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head away from me, a smile tugging at her lips.
"C'mon, let's go then. Who knows how long this thing is going to be open for." I tell her.
"Yeah you're right. Let's go then."
I grabbed her arm and kissed her before jumping into the hole, her hand linked through mine.

Controlled- A Video Game-Based Novel
Random"Hey there! Main character here. Can't tell you my name yet because, you know, you gotta read the book first otherwise, what's the point?" "Hey! I wanna talk too!" "Shush. They haven't read about you yet. Butt out. You'll be spoiling the potential...