~Chapter 6- Is It Too Late~

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     I walked in the house, relived to see my mom again. She grinned, but I could tell she was sad.

"M-mom? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to storm off or give attitude or anything. I didn't have a good day and my boots! My boots!" I say, crying again.

"It's ok. I, um, I have something for you Savanna." She pulls out a box of new faux leather boots a perfect heel and a zipper. The brand was one of the most expensive brands of shoes. 

"Mom! You did this?! For me?! Thank you thank you thank you so much!" I hug her as hard as I could. "I, uh, have something to show you."

     Light ... I whisper. My mom stands there, puzzled. Nothing is happening. I nervously chuckle and whisper it again. Light. Still nothing. "Honey, you must be tired. Let's go upstairs and get ready for bed." She says, still puzzled. "LIGHT!!" I yelled. Still, nothing happens. I take off my glasses, wipe the, and put them back on. The light isn't there. "I—uh—I better g-go lie d-down..." I say, looking around.

     I lied down in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Light I whisper, yet again. The light appears in front of me. I sit up and ponder whether I should say something or just sit there. "You are not allowed to tell anything or anyone about me. It's not safe. And the names Lit." The light says and poofs out of my room. 

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