Chapter 1

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I sit at the table across from my mom. She eats 2 Chocolate Chip muffins.

"You sure you're not hungry?" muffin drops from her mouth. I want to take the muffin stuffing it in my mouth and savoring its warm gooeyness. No I wanna throw it out the window.

"I'll eat at school." I mumble struggling to get my bag on my back.

"You better." My mom smiles kissing my forehead before going to her study.

I eat one bite out of the muffin on the counter and head to my car. I carefully started it and headed on the road. I take back roads so I wouldn't be a risk to others on the road. I pull into school and park where I usually do; I struggle to get my bag out of the back and onto my weak boney shoulders. Today I sport yet another baggy sweat shirt and baggy sweats; a style I have long since gotten used too.

Ignoring the icy stares of my fellow classmates I head to class where a boring lesson will slip off my teachers toungue like turpentine. Nothing exciting ever happened in my life. A sharp pain staggers it's way into my ribcage, a snarled snicker comes from my right "get away fatty." I close my eyes, sigh a deep sigh, re-open my eyes and let them roll to the back of my head and back to reality. Typical greeting from my schoolmates. Lugging my bag behind me like a egyptian hauling stone for a pyramid I headed to my car for lunch; where I would sit there and not eat anything listening to my music that any others here in Woodbine would call 'emo'.

I lean back into the drivers seat of my car as the lyrics to 'I don't Wanna be in Love' by Good Charlotte blares my head filling it with the beat and feeling that only good music can posess. The song changes 5 times before I am forced to go back inside and listen to another lecture slip out of my teachers mouth. "20 bucks they rehearse these" I bet myself as I am the only one who talks to me in this whole town.

I smell the schools famous potatoes and I want to stuff the whole pan into my mouth. No I don't. I wanna dump it into the gross smelly sewer. I trudge to class as if I were in a line at prison getting ready for my death on those old fashion gallion things. I sit in the blood red chair in the back of the room. The window showed the fountain with water streaming out of little holes; like fish spitting it out of thier mouth, if they could. I file into the classroom for history where the walls were lined with posters about facts and "interesting" information. One wall however interested me, it was the back wall opposite of the white board. The wall itself was a dark tan, but over it was a map of the whole world. I myself drew it. I offered to do it over the summer since I didn't have anything better to do.

Sitting in my seat in the far back left corner of the room I pulled my phone out. I sent a quick text to my older brother who was the only one who could talk sense into me.

"Is this seat, uh taken?" a voice says next to me. I shake my head no but don't look at who was asking.

"My names Natalie." there was the voice again.

"I'm Lena" I finally look at her, it was a quick glance. She wore a blue shirt with ripples going down hugging her perfect stomach. Her shorts showed off tan toned legs. I hated her.

"I like that name, Lena, it kinda sounds magical and mysterious." the way she talks makes me sick. I give her a look and she smiles, even her teeth were better than me.

Class drones on and Natalie sits by me trying to make small talk but ignore.

I finally get home and crash onto the couch letting my weak bones finally rest.

"Lena?" My brothers husky voice rings out into the nearly empty house.

"Living room!" I called back smiling and sitting up with difficulty.

"There she is!" He grinned giving me a giant bear big collapsing my fragile ribs and other bones. I hugged back quickly and he let go.

"Navy's got you some muscle." I stated looking at my older brother. He was finally home from the navy for a week.

"Comes in handy for the chicks." Ethan smirked flexing his biceps.

"You're a loser. Hungry? Mom won't be home to make supper tonight." I stated walking into the kitchen to find Ethan some food.

"Do you guys still do the Tuesday is family night?" Ethan asked taking a huge bite of a sandwich in the fridge.

"Yeah. We go out to eat and a movie. It's boring without you though."

Ethan nodded and headed to his room to unpack his things. I sit carefully on the couch. Now I had to be extremely careful on how I hide this, Ethan was better at figuring things out than mom could ever wish she could. 

"Lena! I'm home." mom's voice rings out into the house, her voice sounds happy and melidous, like a mockingbird's song, my song was gone and pain and hurt filled my voice. I don't answer mom, as usual, it hurts to talk sometimes, my bones, muscles, body being so sore from the treatment I put it through, but in the end, it will be better. I've been promised a new home that I hope to see soon, I was hoping to get it all over with, my only problem would be the fact that it's a process, one that I have no control on how soon it works, I just control the fact that I do the process and the things needed happen. I was deteremined mine would happen. soon. 


Okay guys!! This is a preview of a new book, please comment your opinions on if I should continue or not!! And don't forget to vote(: thanks guys!! 

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