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We're standing there, face to face when the house phone starts ringing downstairs. Liam looks down, breaking the contact that I want back. He looks back at me, with the look of questioning if I'm going to answer it.

This is where I count it down. At exactly the forth ring, I'm going to kiss him, and there's no turning back.

Second ring.

Third ring.

Forth ring. I step closer to him and go on my tip toes. It's amazing at how much being on your toes can boost your height. I slide my hand behind his neck as I bring my lips close to his. We don't touch and I'm nervous. It's now or never.

I press my lips against his and feel the warmth starting in the center of my stomach traveling throughout my body. Goose bumps are sprouting all down my back and stomach. This is all a new feeling to me, and it's striking.

As I return back to my normal height, his head follows, our lips not breaking once. The kiss is slow and I'm able to feel the softness of his lips with mine. All I can think about is if I'm doing everything correctly. Is this how you kiss? Is this enjoyable for him? It must be, he hasn't pulled away.

When he puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him, I know I'm doing great. It makes me way too happy to know I'm doing good, I smile and break everything. "How was that?" I ask.

Liam laughs lightly. He's rubbing his hands on the small of my back. "Let's just say, kissing is all that."

He leans down again and connects our lips once more. This kiss is more movement than the first. If I also may add, it's quite more enjoyable. I can still feel his hands on the small of my back and my body burns in that specific spot. But what if... What if...

I take hold of one of his hands and slowly move it lower and lower until its reached its destination. His hand takes hold and all that motion does is make the kiss more stronger.

I take a step back, and we are now in my room. We somehow make it to my bed without tripping. I'm lying on my back as Liam is hovering over me. Everything changes when his lips connect with my neck. A moan began at the back of my throat.

He comes back to my lips, planting a light kiss before looking at me, glancing at every part of my face. "What?" I ask.

He slowly shakes his head while still looking at me. "I don't know why I took so long."

I couldn't contain the smile growing on my face. I meet him halfway, and bring his face to mine. I roll over, now hovering him. He runs his hands gently on my exposed legs considering I'm wearing a summer dress. It all feels familiar. It feels like the time we drove over to the carnival. Only this time, it's twice as exciting.

His hands are moving higher and higher. He glances at me every time he moves, asking if it's acceptable. I stay quiet, as the dress has gotten up over my stomach. He stops there, clearly afraid to go any further.

I'm straddling him now, and I pull off my dress without hesitation. I feel completely bare in my undergarments, but I also feel completely comfortable. Liam smiles shyly before sitting up. I'm sitting on his lap now, our faces centimeters apart.

This is where I grab the hem of his shirt. This is where I pull his shirt over his head. This is where I'm rolled on my back once again. I'm observing Liam's body as he's taking in mine. His fingers are trailing down my chest to my stomach.

In no time, we're kissing again. The kisses are deep and long. Liam's not hovering any more. His chest is touching mine and this skin to skin contact is amazing.

I'm able to bring my hands down to his pants buckle. When I get that undone along with the zipper, Liam freezes. His eyes are now maneuvering back and forth from mine. "April, are you sure?"

I nod my head. "Do you have something?"

Liam rolls over on his back. He props himself up on his elbows. "No, April. Are you honestly sure? Just because you haven't done this and this is your prank, we don't have to do it."

I turn my head to him and smile. "I'm sure. Do you have one or not?"

Liam licks his lips. He nods. "Yeah, I do."

I get up and go to my door, which is wide open. After closing and locking it, I turn back to Liam. "Do you want to?"

"Only if you want to."

"No. This is my choice. I don't want to do anything if you're not ready yet," I say. "I'll understand. It's okay."

Liam stands up off my bed. He walks over to me and gives me a kiss. I take that as a yes, so I bring him to me again. Soon, my back is touching the cool of the wall. Liam bends down, and his hands take hold of my legs. Next I knew it, he's holding me up against the wall. My legs are wrapped around his hips and my hands are running through his hair.

He carries me over to the bed once again, and we both plop down. He's a bit hesitant to taking of the rest of his jeans, but soon, they're gone. Just before he tosses them off the bed, he pulls out the square tiny package.

I know what's to come would be thrilling and terrifying. This is my first time. This is his first time. This is our first time. This is real. This is not a prank. This is not a fool that I'm trying desperately to win in thirty days. This is happening, and I've never felt more alive.

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