Escape Plan

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Ten Years Later


Nadia sat in the shadows as the cell door opened. Ten men dressed like demon slayers were shoved inside, and the door slammed shut. The sliding and click of the bolt and lock was just audible. Nadia studied the men and noticed that they had no weapons. The man that was obviously the leader stood up and looked around. He noticed Kota chained in the corner.
Poor Kota, Nadia thought, he hardly ever talks anymore. The man didn't notice her and told his men to settle on the far side of the room. As the men settled in, Nadia noticed that some were injured. The leader had obviously known this, and got some of the men to go around helping the wounded. Nadia stayed hidden as, judging by their clothes, they were demon slayers. Once the men had gotten settled for the night, and were all sleeping she settled down and fell into a semi-conscious sleep. The next day the demon slayers huddled together to discuss how to escape.


"I wouldn't bother if I was you." A female voice said. Kai looked up from where he and his men were working on a escape plan. Nadia stepped out of the shadows. Kai's senses went on alert.
What was this woman doing in hakudoshi's prison?
He had been sure that, apart from the old man in the corner, there was no one else in the cell."who are you and why are you here?" He demanded, rising to his feet. "My name is Nadia." She said "but why I'm here is none of your concern."
Kai looked at her suspiciously, but didn't press the subject."I'm Kai." He said.
"Why shouldn't we bother making a escape plan?" Asked Joan, who was one of Kai's men.
"Shhhhhh." Kai hissed. The bolt of their cell was being unlocked!
As the door opened two of hakudoshi's demons came in.They looked around and spotted Nadia. "You are to come with us." The hissed. Kai looked as Nadia was shoved roughly out of the cell. "She was probably hakudoshi's spy." Said Adrian, another one of Kai's men. "Somehow I doubt it." Kai replied, as he sat down and continued making the escape plan.


Nadia knew what was coming. She tried to control herself but she couldn't stop a shiver from running down her body. As the demons led her through different tunnels, she tried to focus on positive thoughts as she was led into a room. The room had a large stone table with Shackles on it, in the middle. The demons forced her to lay, face down, on the table, then they shackled her arms and legs onto the table. Nadia struggled but couldn't overpower them. The demons left as hakudoshi entered the room. "Where is it?" He hissed."I don't know what your talking about." Nadia snarled. Hakudoshi smiled evilly and walked out of her vision. Suddenly she felt a burning streak on her back, then another and another. Nadia screamed and struggled as hakudoshi lashed her. Then everything went black.


Kai woke up with a start. Looking around he tried to find what he had woke up from. Then he saw a heap that wasn't there before. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he realised that it was Nadia! He softly got up and walked to her. He shook her shoulder to wake her, but he quickly withdrew his hand when he felt something sticky and wet. Nadia groaned and rolled over. Kai gently pulled her to her sleeping mat and laid her gently on it. He would help her in the morning when he had a clear head. Kai got up and went to his sleeping mat. He laid down and tried to sleep but he could not get the image of Nadia crumpled on the floor out of his head. He lay awake for hours and when he finally went to sleep it was almost dawn.


Blinking groggily, Nadia tried to sit up but pain blinded her and she fell back onto her mat. She suddenly remembered the events of the following night. She grimaced as another wave of pain hit her. As her vision cleared she saw the standing next to her, looking worried. She sat up, ignoring the pain."Are you okay?" He asked gently. "What is it with men and asking stupid questions?" Nadia said rolling her eyes. Kai grinned sheepishly and handed her a bowl of stew. "It might be cold but it'll still taste okay." Kai said. Nadia took the bowl and, as she ate, thought of how similar this scene was to the one she and Kota had experienced years ago. As she finished the stew she realised Kai was talking "...that injury on your side is very deep, you shouldn't walk anytime soon or it'll reopen." He said gravely. "That injury is fine." Nadia retorted, thinking sadly about how similar this conversation was to the one she and Kota had twenty years ago. "Sorry, sorry."Kai said hurriedly, looking surprised at how grumpy Nadia was. "Please leave me alone Kai." Nadia said sadly "I just need time to think."

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