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Kota swayed gently in the saddle, as his gelding mare plodded down the road. He studied the map he had bought and saw that there was a small hut just twenty miles down the road. As He looked up He was surprised to see a person coming up the road. As Kota approached the traveller He could see that it was a young woman with black hair, fair skin and a black kimono. He nudged my horse faster as He realised that the woman was injured, and dismounted just as the traveller fainted. Kota hurriedly checked to see that she was alive then gently checked her wounds. She had a massive cut on her hip, but other than that there was just a few minor cuts. He ripped the sleeve of his kimono and gently wrapped her wounds. Then He grabbed her and placed her gently in the saddle, while He walked alongside her as to make sure she didn't fall of. Then Kota headed toward the hut He had seen on the map. He found the hut a few miles up the road. Kota unrolled his sleeping mat in one corner an gently placed the woman down on his bed and redressed her wound. He had discovered her travel pack and placed it against the wall. Then He unpacked his belongings and headed to the nearby forest to collect firewood.


Nadia opened her eyes slowly. Her surroundings were blurry but as the sleep left her eyes She found herself in a small hut. What am I doing here? She wondered. Nadia propped myself up against the wall, wincing as the pain from her wound hit her. Then the horrible events came flooding back. The village, the demons and the man who shee had seen just before she blacked out! "He must have brought me here," Nadia thought. "So your finally awake." A voice said. Nadia looked up with a start. The man who she had seen before was standing at the door of the hut. He had short brown hair with a neat fringe. He was wearing a kimono, with armour on top and had a sword sheathed at his side. She saw that he had firewood slung over his shoulder and guessed that that was what he had been doing before she had woken up. "Who are you?" Nadia asked. "That's what I was about to ask you." The man said."my name is Kota."
"My name is Nadia, I'm from a village not far from here," She explained, "We were attacked by demons and were greatly outnumbered so I hid, I am afraid that no one else made it out alive."
"Well it looks like even you didn't make it out unscathed," He replied looking pointedly at the wound on her side.
"Oh, that was from a long time ago, but I never gave it time to heal I guess," She said, deciding not to trust this stranger too much."it's fine."
"If you say so." He said doubtfully."you should rest, I'm making stew so when it's ready I'll wake you up." He rose and left the hut, the reed door rustling gently as it closed. Nadia sighed then laid down, her eyes drooping. Then she fell asleep.


Kota settled down beside the fire, while he waited for the stew to cook. Nadia wasn't telling him everything, He thought. As he stirred the stew he mulled over what to do. He couldn't leave Nadia or take her with him. He was going after a demon called Hakudoshi, and he couldn't have Nadia tagging along. Plus she needed time to heal. "Though she acts as though it's nothing, the wound in her side is very serious." He thought."I guess I'll have to stay until she can look after herself." He decided. The sun was starting to set just as  the stew was ready. he put some in a bowl and went inside the hut. As he had thought Nadia was fast asleep. He gently shook her and gave her the stew. She ate it and smiled, thanking him. She then laid down again to rest. He smiled and went outside. He ate his serving and was just about to put out the fire when he heard the door rustle. He turned to find Nadia leaning against a post on the porch wincing."Nadia!" He exclaimed "you shouldn't be walking around, you need to heal."
Nadia looked at him and he caught a glimpse of panic in her eyes, which she quickly covered." Their coming Kota" she said "the demons are coming!"
Kota looked at her then turned and saw hordes of demons filling the sky!
He unsheathed his sword and yelled "get in the hut Nadia."
Nadia shook her head wincing, then grabbed something from the travel pack she had over her shoulder. She went to stand next to him and he saw she had a bow and a quiver full of arrows. "I'm fighting with you." She said, Not even glancing at him as they faced the oncoming hordes of demons.


Knew that this demon attack could only be done by one person, and that was Hakudoshi. She knew what he was here for. Nadia fired arrow after arrow at the oncoming demons, but there was so many. Suddenly the demons cleared a path and a demonic barrier containing a demon came down and landed in front of her and Kota. The demon resembled a human and had white hair with a kimono of white. "Hakudoshi" Kota and her said in unison. They looked at each other in surprise. "Hello again Nadia, I didn't think you'd died and that wound is as bad as it was last time." Hakudoshi sneered. "Oh, you've met Kota have you?"
"No matter, I will simply destroy two birds with one stone."
"Hakudoshi, you made one big mistake, and that was waiting till nightfall to kill me." Nadia said glaring at him. The sun had just set! Suddenly Nadia started pulsing, then she was enveloped by a bright light! When the light cleared, Nadia was there but she had changed.


"Your a half-demon!" Exclaimed Kota in confusion. Nadia had transformed. She now looked older and had a strong demonic aura around her. "Oh, didn't she tell you?" Hakudoshi said in mock bewilderment. "I wonder why." Kota looked at Nadia, feeling betrayed. Nadia glared at Hakudoshi "why you worm, I will kill you for this." Then she lashed out at Hakudoshi. A red light shot from her fingers and hit Hakudoshi's barrier. Hakudoshi just laughed "you know you can't break this barrier."
Kota suddenly swung to face Nadia. "You lied to me!" He yelled attacking her. "You said you were from a village, that you had hid from demons that attacked it." He swung his sword at her but Nadia dodged the attacks. "I didn't tell you because I knew you would try to kill me, please listen." Pleaded Nadia, "Hakudoshi is trying to get us to fight."
"I don't care, I trusted you." Kota yelled, as he was blinded by fury.
Hakudoshi chuckled as, unnoticed by the two fighters, he allowed his miasma to cover the battlefield. Kota and Nadia, still fighting didn't notice the miasma and were soon sprawled, unconscious on the ground. Hakudoshi then directed his demons to grab them and he left, heading toward his castle.


Nadia woke up, blinking groggily as she propped herself up. She looked around, and found herself in a brick cell, with the only light coming from a small barred window on one wall. She stood up and winced, as her wound reminded her it was still there. " If I wasn't chained up I would strangle you." A familiar voice spat. "Kota!" Nadia exclaimed, glancing around. Seeing him chained to one wall, she walked over to him. "Don't come any closer." Kota warned her. "I might be chained up but I still want to kill you."
Nadia frowned, momentarily confused, then remembered the previous nights events. Hakudoshi had shown his ugly face, and made them fight each other, then spread his miasma without them realising until they blanked out. "Where are we?" Nadia asked Kota. "We're in hakudoshi's castle prison." He muttered. "Oh great." Nadia sighed "his taken my demonic powers too." Nadia was now a normal human!

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