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For the next few days they travelled down the road, but on the fifth day a small village came into view. That night they slept just out of town, as none of them had any money to pay for lodgings. Next morning Nadia woke up In a happy mood. At breakfast she told them that it probably would be better if they took turns to go into the village, as they would attract unwanted attention if they all went in at once. The rest of them agreed and after they had
packed up camp, they split into groups. Nadia was to go with Kota, Kai was to go alone and his men were to split up into four groups. Nadia and Kota went first, entering the village. There was a small marketplace in the centre of the village. Kota asked around and found a temporary job as a farm hand, to earn enough money to buy supplies. Nadia found a job as a bartender. That afternoon Nadia met Kai and Kota at the bar. Kai had found a job as a herder.
"I get a room in the attic." Nadia told them, glad that this job had been open. Kota and Kai slept with the other herders and farmhands. Weeks went by, and Nadia soon had enough money to buy enough supplies, but she wanted to save up in case of emergency. She was walking to the meeting place that she, Kai and Kota had agreed on, when she felt someone grab her from behind and pull her into an alleyway. She turned to find herself face to face
With a man and his gang. "Give us your money." The leader said. "No." Nadia said, getting annoyed. "And what you going to do if we try take it from you?" he sneered. "This!" Nadia said, kicking the leader in the head then elbowing him in the stomach. The leader let go of her and stumbled back. The rest of The gang looked fearfully at their leader and ran. One managed to grab their leader and drag him away. Nadia turned and left the alley, walking quickly to the meeting place. "What took you so long?" Kai asked. "Oh, just ran into some interesting people on the way here." Nadia replied dismissively.


A few weeks after ward, Kota went to the bar. He was annoyed. He slept with all the other farm hands in the wheat shed, meaning that he was itchy and tired. Nadia seemed to have gotten the best deal out of all of them. She got an inside job with a comfortable bed. She also earned the most money. She got double of what he got! Soon she would be leaving. Somehow he knew that whatever she was going to do would involve trying to kill Hakudoshi. Since they had left Hakudoshi's castle she had been transforming at night. Kai and his men hadn't found out but it was dangerous. He plodded along glumly walking toward the bar. Oh well, he thought, things could be worse. Kota walked into the bar and looked around. Spotting Kai at the table to the far corner he walked over. Kai looked serious, and as Kota sat down Kai said "its Nadia, she's gone! "
"What! Where?" Kota exclaimed, all annoyance forgotten. "I don't know, the bar keeper said she left yesterday afternoon." Kai said glumly. "She must have gone to the village that she mentioned."
"What do we do now?" Kota asked.
"We should just keep going like planned." Kai said "save up and go home."


Nadia walked for the whole afternoon nonstop. When she finally stopped it was almost sun down. They know I'm gone now, she thought to herself as she set up camp. She ate some salted meat and had a swig of water. She lay down her sleeping mat as the sun set. She was engulfed by a white light and when it cleared she was in her demon form. Laying down she slept dreaming about the Sword of Shannara. The following morning she packed up camp and set off again. She could reach the village by tomorrow morning if she continued at this pace. She hoped that no one had found the sword, because if they had she would have to track them down. Sighing she continued on her journey, not knowing when or how It would end. When she finally reached the cave holding the sword she was relieved to see that it was still there. She would stay here for a few months to try find out where to go to find out the swords secrets.


Three weeks after Nadia's disappearance Kota and Kai both had enough money to go home. They journeyed together until their paths split. Kai trudged down the road to his village. He would miss Kota and Nadia but he couldn't wait to be home. As he rounded a bend in the road he saw his village. It had changed since he last saw it but he recognised certain buildings. Some children saw him coming and ran around telling everybody. By the time he actually arrived at the village nearly everyone was there waiting for him. He received countless 'welcome backs' while everyone wanted to hear how he escaped. So he sat them down and told them the whole story. At the end he told them about how His men had gone to look for a different village to work in and would be back soon. He went to his house and had just sat down when his friend rushed in. "There has been a call from a southern village, there is a demon in the area." He said panting. "Has the demon harmed anyone yet?" Kai asked. "No, but the village is worried." His friend replied. "Okay, I'll get ready and leave straight away." Kai said sighing. Once his friend left he sighed " I never get a moments rest." he complained to himself, walking off to get ready.


Kota looked around his room. It was a small room with white wash walls. In one corner there was a stool next to a small cupboard. His sleeping mat was against the opposite wall next to the door. He heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Kai standing outside. "Hi Kota, I was on my way to slay a demon and I thought I would see if you wanted to come along." he said. "Sure, I'll go and pack." Kota said, glad for something to do. He hurried back to his room throwing a few supplies into his travel pack. He quickly belted his sword to his waist and swung his travel pack over his shoulder, heading out the door. He and Kai walked down the road, heading toward the village.

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