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What have I done? I just left her! She has a child! Who's the father? Is he someone I know?
And he is dating my daughter! My Lizzie!

Elliot thinks to himself. He can't really comprehend what has just happened.
Noah is so angry. He doesn't know what to do with himself. So walks to his mothers work. It's a long walk, but he doesn't know what to do.
It takes his 20 minutes to walk there. When he does finally get there, he gets into the lift and presses the sixth floor.
He makes his way to the squad room.
"Hey, Noah"
"Hey Amanda, where's my mom?"
"In her office, why?"
"Thanks" he says. He ignores her last question and runs into his mothers office.
"Noah. What are you doing here?" Olivia asks
"I spoke to Elliot" he says bluntly.
"You did what?" She says standing.
"Mom I'm sorry. But I had to. He hurt you and he needed to know it!"
"What did you say to him!?" She yells
"I told him that he hurt you, and he says he is sorry, but I told him to tell you himself"
Just then, Elliot bursts through the door.
Olivia has no words, she stands there, trying to make it not obvious that she is literally about to cry in front of everyone!
"Liv, I.."
"No, Elliot. Don't even bother!" She says walking past the both of them.
She walks into the squad room with them following.
"Livia please" he says with his hand on her shoulder.
She shrugs it off and turns around.
"Don't ever call me that" she says sharply
He always used to call her that. Everyone called her liv. But that was his name for her.
"Stabler?" Finn asks
"Noah, come on" Olivia says grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
"Olivia!" Elliot shouts
But she ignores him and makes her way down to her car.
"Noah, how could you do this?!" She yells as she unlocks the car.
"Mom I'm sorry, I just wanted him to know how you felt!" He replies standing on the other side of the car.
"How I feel about Elliot is nothing to do with anybody!"
"Mom I'm sorry. I just wanted him to know that he hurt you! I wanted him to feel bad!"
"Making him feel bad isn't going to make me any less heart broken okay?! Yeah, I loved him, so much! But I got over it when he decided to leave me without saying goodbye! Okay?! I'm over him!" She yells, just as Noah points behind her. She realises in that moment, that Elliot was standing right behind her the whole time.
She can't bare to turn around and face him, after him hearing her confess that she did actually have feelings for him.
She reaches for the handle on the car door just as Elliot spins her around and plants his lips on hers.

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