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Elliot spins her around and plants his lips on hers.
He cups her face with his hands and kisses her deeper.
She pushes him away from her. "Elliot get off of me!" She yells "what the hell are you doing?!"
"I..I erm"
"Goodbye Elliot, I won't expect you to say it back though. I know you don't do goodbyes!" She says before getting into her car.
She starts it and drives away.
"Mom, I...I I'm sorry" he says breaking the silence that kills the car.
"It's okay. I know that you were only worried about me" she answers
"So you're not mad?" He asks
"No, I'm not" she smiles "hey how about we go out for dinner?" She asks
"Okay where?"
"Mc donnalds!" They say at the same time
They both laugh as they pull into the drive through.
"Erm I'll have a Big Mac meal and a chocolate chip frappe and a dark chocolate cookie" she turns to Noah and mouths "what do you want?"
He leans over her "and a mc rib meal with a large full fat coke,extra cheese bites, 10 chicken nuggets and a chocolate muffin" he says into the machine
Olivia laughs at his large order and the fact that he is really predictable!
"What I need to eat lots so I can turn the fat into muscle!" He replies to her laughter
"Yeah okay macho man! Who you got to impress anyway?!" She laughs back as she pulls to the next window to pay.
"Erm.. Yeah I kind of need to tell you something" he says
She hands the woman the money and drives to the next window.
"I'm kind of dating Lizzie" he says shyly
"Lizzie... Stabler?" She asks
"Erm yeah"
"That's great honey" she smiles
"So you're not mad?" He asks
"No, of course I'm not mad! I'm happy for you" she smiles as she takes the food from the next window.
She puts the food on his lap.
She drives them home, which is only a few minutes away.
They walk up to the apartment and sit on the couch. When they finish their food her phone starts to ring.
"Benson" she answers
She rolls her eyes as she hears a voice that she knows only too well.
"Finn what do you want?" She asks
"I know that I'm not Elliot's biggest fan, but I think that you should talk to him" he says
"No, I'm not speaking to him" she says
"Wait liv please" she hears
Elliot has grabbed the phone from Finn.
Olivia feels her heart sink.
"I have nothing to say to you Elliot" she says taking the phone from her ear.
"Livia please" he says
"I told you not to call me that" she snaps
"I'm sorry" he says
"Yeah, that doesn't mean a whole lot coming from you!"
"Livia! I'm sorry. I really am" he persists to call her the nickname that pulls on her heart strings.
"I don't need your half ass apology!"
"Please, just let me explain"
"Not over the phone"
"Okay, can I meet with you tomorrow?"
"I'll pick you up at lunch?"

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