[6] Watching You

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Chapter Six

Many people have flaws.  Even Dylan did.  But sometimes, people get treated badly or teased about their flaws.  I was the type of person who could look at someone and look past their flaws to the good inside them.  Alex was the type of person who only focused on the flaws and whether or not there was any benefit of having them around.  At some point, my flaws beat the benefit and I was just some old toy ready to be chucked away for good.

            I don’t know what really made Alex stop loving me and as time moves on, I care less and less about wanting to know.

“Do you think we ever would have spoken if you stayed alive?” Dylan whispered in the darkness of his room as he lay on his bed waiting for sleep to evade him.

            I sighed.  “I don’t know. In honest truth, I probably never would have thought about it.”

            “What if you come back to life?  Do you think you’d remember all this?”

            “How could I forget you?  Or annoying the hell out of Alex?”

            Dylan sighed.  “You might.”

            I extended a hand, softly resting it on Dylan’s cheek.  I know he couldn’t feel my touch, but just to know I’m there was enough comfort for him.

            He scooted closer to me.

            “I wish I could touch you,” he whispered.

            Through the darkness I saw his dark brown eyes stare straight into mine. 

            These words, that action, for some reason it made my stomach churn, made me want to get butterflies, made me want to blush.

            “Dylan?” I whispered.

            “Mmm?” he replied, starting to fall asleep.

            I watched him close his eyes and I whispered, “I think I’m falling for you.”

            “High ho, high ho, it’s off to school we go,” I sang as Alex and I walked to school. 

            Alex groaned as I continued to sing.

            “Why are you so grumpy?” I asked him.

            “Because, I have to put up with an annoying ghost like you!” he retorted.

            “Sheesh, no need to yell.”

            I continued to skip forward.

            “Susan,” the teacher said.

            “Yes sir?” Susan replied nonchalantly.

            “What is the capital of Australia?”

            “Oh that’s easy!” she giggled.  “A.”

            I started to laugh hysterically and a flat look swept over Alex’s face.

            “Ah, no Susan.  Not the capital letter.  The capital city,” the teacher then said.

            “What’s a capital city?”

            Alex sighed but I continued to laugh. 

            “This is just too good,” I told him.

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