Kagura's Jealousy Part 2-Try to Win Aki-1

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Okay, thanks for coming back for another chapter of, 'Will love come this Fall?" Sorry for how the other was pretty short, but I hope you will enjoy this. Okay, now before we start,...

I do not own Fruit Basket, Music, Pictures or Videos if any. Only the Plot and Oc. Now...

Hajimari, Hajimari~...

Last time on, "Will love come this Fall?"...

Kagura hugged Kyo again, and stared at Aki. "Hi, I'm Kagura Souma." She started, with a cute innocent smile. Aki kind of flinched and had a scared feeling. "Um, hi, I'm... um, Aki Hana. Douzo." She started. Then Kagura had a serious but childish look. "You are my rival." Kagura pointed at her. "I love Kyo, and everything about him. And I'm not letting anyone have him!" She said, squeezing Kyo. Aki stared at her confused, "Rival...?" Aki said. "I know, prove to me how much you know Kyo. Let's have a contest." Kagura said. "Wait, What?!"

Normal Pov

It was wierd, one second Aki was so confused on what a person Kagura is, and her sudden 'Proposition' and now, everything was set up like it was game show contest, Tohru was the Host. "Wait... what is happening. How did, what?!" Aki said, looking around, the two were actually on a game show. "Welcome back everyone, to, "Do you know Kyo?" Shigrue was saying threw a microphone. "Whoa, wait, I didn't sign up for th-" "Welcome, here is are contestents~" Shigure said, cutting off Aki. "Wait Shigure- what are yo-" "Let's meet are first contestant Kagura Sohma." Shigure said. Interviewing Kagura. "Wait, don't cut me of-" "Here is the second contestent Aki." Shigure said. "Wait, what-" Aki said. Aki just sighed, and went with it.

"So, in this game, you are to answer a series of question about Kyo." Shgirue said, showing a curtain opeining revealing a tied up Kyo, with his mouth covered in tape. "Haha, poor Kyo." Aki said, making Kyo angry. They close the curtains, "So, first question...."


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