"He's got strange colored hair and he got me in Detention" Part 1

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So, welcome back to another Chapter of, "Will love come this Fall?" I do not own Fruit Basket, Music, Videos or Pictures if any. I only own the plot and the Oc. Make sure to Comment and Vote, let alone read, obviously.

Judging by the title, can you guess who? Now let's start,...

Hajimari, Hajimari~

Aki's Pov

Today is a Tuesday, like any other school day, except when we have a holiday or celebration, classes was a snore fest. I didn't get much sleep last night, because ever since that whole, game show-phase with Kagura, I've been wondering who Kyo liked. I thought maybe Tohru, since I catch him having tints of pink every time they were together, he does not hide it well. Or, maybe it was one of my best friends, Mai or Shiho, doubt it though, they just seem like friends that's all, beside, Kyo and Shiho only chat when I'm with them, and same goes for Mai, the only other time is when she gives advice, or homework help, then I thought, maybe the two girls Tohru is best friends with. Their was no way he would ever like me, he just thinks I'm his friend. Two friends, who have things in common, like hating leeks, and all. Anyway, today during Science, I almost fell asleep, I like science and all, but dang, that video was one of the most, boring things I have ever seen. It was difficult just keeping my eyes up, same thing goes for Mai, she actually fell asleep at times, but tried her best to wake up, I was actually surprised I wasn't already sleeping, Mai would pay way more attention to school, Shiho, she was drawing on her I.D. I did the same too, to keep myself occupied. I'm not sure with Kyo, and Yuki went to another meeting.

*Yawn~* Right now, I was walking down the halls, delivering some papers for the first year's. As I continued to walk, some idiot bumped into me, making drop all the stupid papers. I looked toward the idiot who bumped into me. "Hey! You freaking made me drop everything! Baka~" I muttered under my breath the last part. "Shut up, girly." The average looking guy said. Oh, no, he did not just say that to me! "On, no, you did not just say that to me!" I said, what I just thought. I saw his face, he had a bruise on his face, and some scratches. I saw some other guys their two, they looked pretty average, but the thing that caught my eyes, was a guy with the strangest hair color ever, who looked pissed off, he was in position of punching the guy he was holding by the collier. Is that his natural hair color, I would believe anything now, since I saw, Kyo and Yuki's hair color, let alone turn into Zodiac members. The guy I was talking to, looked back at me, pretty pissed. "Shut up! I don't have time to mingle sweets. But, after I take this guy, you and me can have so alone time." OH HELL! THAT'S IT! THIS GUY IS GOING TO DIE!

Before I could say anything, he was punched by the weird hair colored guy, I didn't see his eyes, until he looked up, he glared a little at me, but, he kind of gave the look of concern, just a little. While we stared at each other, we heard a guy scream, and then the guy I was starring at, was punched in the face. I flinched a little. "That's what you get." He said. I was pretty pissed right now, and I did something when I wasn't thinking, and kneed the guy. Come on, I'm a teen girl, who walks home alone sometimes, of course I need to learn how to fight. The guy coughed as I laid, sprawled on the floor. I looked down at him. "That's for thinking you could actually have a chance with me." (Made2352: Yeah. GO AKI!!)

"YOU GUYS!!!" I turned to see a male, adult. OH CRAP! A TEACHER!

Strange Hair color guy's Pov (Before Teacher came)

I was on my way to class, before some guys bumped into me. I looked at them, they glared at me. "Watch where your walking next time. Baka!" The guy said. Next thing I know, I'm feeling all dark, and beating up these guys.

This continued, until, when I punched one of those guys, someone was passing by, this person was delivering papers, judging by the papers all over the floor. I couldn't tell, what the person looked like, due to beating up the other guys, and that stupid, big headed guy blocking the view. Man, these are such losers. They can't even throw a punch, this guy was about to punch me before I ducked, and swung a punch to his gut, I turned around, and grabbed the other guy be the collar. Then I heard one of the guys sweet talking a girl, this pissed me off, and I threw a punch, right on his left cheek. He fell, to the floor, I shot my head up, to look at the girl. Now, I was starring at her in awe.

We stared at each other for awhile, then I felt a huge pain in cheek. I looked up at the guy, who was smirking at me, I was going to lay a punch in him, but then the girl, kneed him in the stomach. I stared at her, shocked, before she said, "That's for thinking you could actually have a chance with me." I couldn't help smirk at this comment.

"YOU GUYS!!!" F*CK, It's the warden.

Normal Pov

Near the end of Lecture...

"Since you think it was such a great idea to fight in school, you guys are having detention!" The teacher screamed.

Aki's Pov


This... SUCKS! Why the crap did I have to fight, and what sucks is, he saw the scene, if he came earlier, I wouldn't be in this mess. *Sigh* Now I'm in class with these jerks, well, only three of them, the guy with that strange colored hair is fine. Today I was going to go meet up with Mai and Shiho, now plans are canceled. I looked around the room, the guys looked pretty pissed off, except... the haired colored dude, he looked calm, and didn't really care much attitude, just earlier, it looked like he hated the entire world, and was pretty arrogant. What the crap happened to him, he either has a personality disorder, or, he can change characters pretty fast. The teacher just left, and now we were by ourselves. Now one of the guys started talking.

Normal Pov

"So, sweets." Aki turned her head toward the guy, slightly annoyed and pissed. "That sure was a pretty great punch, I taken interest in you, how about we hang out after detention ends." 'Oh, great, this guy better not become a stalker' Aki thought. "Sorry, but I thought it was obvious I was out of your league, let alone, if you have a league." 'Okay, maybe that was pretty mean.' "Maybe some girls should think about what they said, before they see what's coming." He smirked back at Aki, she glared at him. "Tch. Whatever, just leave me alone." She said, turning her head away, before she started to stared back at the different haired color guy, who she also found him staring back at her. "?" Aki.

After Detention...

Aki was finally free, from staying with those boys, but, for some reason...

Aki's Pov

Someone please tell me why he! Is taking me home? I turn my head, to face the guy, he was just walking with his hands in his pockets, when he turned toward me, noticing me starring at him, I quickly looked back toward the front, with a tint of pink appearing on my face, crap this. While I was embarrassed, I didn't realize that my shoes were untied, I stumbled to trip on them, about to fall over my face, someone gripped my waist, it was a guy, but what shocked me, was he was also shocked.

Colored Hair guy...

What?!... Why?!.... didn't I... change!

So, that's end it here today, sorry about that, so as you can already guess, who this guy is. Totally gave something away. Okay, I do not own Fruit Basket, Music, Pictures, or Videos if any, only the plot and the oc. Okay, so...


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