Michelle Charleston

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I was sitting in math class with my best friend, Annabeth Chase, when I realized something. I was looking around a thought I find girls attractive and not guys, I am a lesbian. After I had that thought I was scared because I had only been friends with Annabeth for six months, and even though we were pretty close, I didn't know how she would react. I had seen all the hate online from people saying lesbians should lock themselves away or that they would kill us themselves. I knew how scared I was, but I still felt that I should tell Annabeth because at the beginning of our friendship we had promised to share and be honest with each other.


We sat at our table in the cafeteria after we had gotten our cold pizza. I reminded myself in my mind not to cry if she reacted badly, but I knew it would be hard. Finally, I decided to just come out with it. "Annabeth," I started hesitantly, but then I spoke really fast, " I am a lesbian and I don't know how you will react, but I really like being friends with you, so could you maybe please accept me!" I said in one breath.

Annabeth smiled, then laughed a little and I started to freak out. But I stopped and stared in shock when she said, " I kind of knew for a while, and I think I may know someone who I could set you up with if you want.", she winked and I gasped like a fish.

" Yes, of course, please!!!" I had gotten up and was hugging her. Great now I'm crying because I'm happy, get it together Michelle. Annabeth told me she would take me somewhere special after school and I could barely contain my excitement. Even though we haven't known each other long I think Annabeth will set me up with someone amazing.

--- Going to CHB---

Once we got out of school, Annabeth hailed a banged up taxi and we got in. After we had sat down I noticed there were three old witch like ladies sitting in the front.  They were really freaking me out because they were whispering to each other  and it didn't look like they could drive. Annabeth payed them up front with a shiny gold coin. "What is that coin?" I asked.

"It's nothing, just a special form of payment." She said dismissively. The taxi took off suddenly and we were rattled around like we were in a metal box. That thought wasn't very comforting. I watched the roads go by and guessed the distance we were going. Then the taxi jerked and squeaked and stopped. We had gone 48 miles in 5 minutes. Annabeth thanked the creepy ladies and we got out. I turned around to look at the taxi, but it had disappeared. I was starting to think that maybe Annabeth wasn't sane. She led me up a hill and I gasped. It was magnificent, hundreds of trees, dozens of cabins, a meadow, a lake, archery and training grounds, a rock climbing wall with lava, a tall, lopsided blue building, and even an outdoor dining area. 

"This is my summer camp!" Annabeth stated proudly. "Hold on, you need permission to enter." She walked a little and something shimmered. 

"What just glowed." I asked, intrigued. Her camp had magical borders.

"Give me a second," She said, "I, Annabeth Chase, allow the mortal, Michelle Charleston, into camp."

She waved a had at me and I walked to her. A strange feeling of an ancient power washed over me, then disappeared. Annabeth then pointed at a guy with curly hair and goat legs. "That's Grover, what does he look like to you?"

"First of all, you haven't answered my question about the shimmery magic thingy, and second of all, duh, he looks like a normal guy with goat legs."

"Give me your hand." Annabeth looked thoughtful. She pulled out a bronze dagger and took my hand. I started to freak out, but she said to trust her and I decided it would be okay. She took my index finger and poked at it a bit with her dagger. I expected to feel something, but somehow the dagger passed through. I looked at Annabeth and she explained, "If you were a demigod-I'll explain that too- the dagger would have poked you, I could've sliced through your hand, but I was being careful just in case. It seems like you are a mortal with the sight. Come with me, I have to tell Chiron, our instructor."

Annabeth proceeded to tell me exactly what this camp was for and about the gods and their children. I was still surprised when I met Chiron, though.  I honestly can't remember anything from the Big House except the introduction video. As we were walking around camp Annabeth said, "Come on I'll show you who I was talking about earlier."

We walked up to a cabin with smoke coming out of a chimney. The Hephaestus cabin. Annabeth walked in and then came out with a beautiful girl with her. She had dark tan skin and calloused hands from working in the forge. Her dark hair was pulled up in a ponytail, but some strands escaped and fell over her chocolaty brown eyes . She was sweating and panting slightly from the heat as she said, "Hi, I'm Nyssa."

Sorry that was bad, just a filler. Any Marvel's Agents of SHIELD fans will know that the video is of Chloe Bennet (Daisy Johnson) when she was a popstar in China. I just thought that was kinda funny to see Skye/Daisy doing that.                                                                                                                                                                         -Chairman          

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