Chapter 5: Not You Again..

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"So what do you even eat?" I guess Andy still hadn't understood what it was like to be vegetarian.

"I don't know, food, I JUST DON'T EAT MEAT, its nasty." I laughed and scrunched up my nose.

"Sooo, what about tacos? How can you not eat tacos?" his eyes lit up as if tacos were some type of food god.

"I"ve never eaten them, so I don't exactly know what I'm missing out on." he dropped his head and shook it, looking back up at me and laughing.

"You know, I think I want to be a vegetarian.. it seems fun."

"Well, good luck with that." I took a sip of water, we had gone to eat pizza, but this pizza restaurant was on a lake sooo yeah it was cold, but I loved it. After about 30 minutes of just eating pizza and talking about what to do if you're at a party and all they have is meat, we left to walk around the lake. I took off my hoodie to reveal my tight white corset with small roses on it, the sort of low cut top showed off my breasts so Andy immediately looked down at them.

"HOLY MOTHER OF UNICORNS THERES A GIANT SPIDER WEB BEHIND YOU!" I yelled and pointed to the tree behind him, making him jump up and squeal, it literally sounded pretty girly for his deep voice. He hid behind me and I choked out a laugh, standing there staring down at him crouching in a ball. "Um, I was just kidding." I broke out into a fit of laughter and grabbed onto my stomach. "That was both adorable and hilarious, oh my god, oh my god I'm dying." he finally stoop up and blushed, bringing his hands up to his face.

"Well that doesn't make me look gay at all." we continued to walk and a breeze started to blow, chilling my arms and causing my to walk closer next to him.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with being gay, I mean, it's kinda hot." I wiggled my eyebrows at him and winked, playfully punching his arm.

"Ow!" he purposely made his voice high pitched this time and I just widened my eyes at him.

"That wasn't exactly what I meant by hot." I laughed, crossing my arms to warm them up, I guess Andy noticed because he put his arm around me and held me close to his chest. We walked back to his car and I leaned against the hood of his car, staring up into his blue eyes and smiling. He looked down at my lips and I looked at his, oh no, no, I couldn't kiss him on the first date, okay make a distraction. I moved my hand to grab his hand, but accidently hit his, you know below area. "Oh my god I did not mean to do that I was just trying to touch your hand I swear oh my god aaah." his eyes widened and both our faces turned bright red.

"Yeah, uuh, its okay." he backed up a bit and we stood there awkwardly for about ten seconds. "Uuuh, yeah lets just pretend that never happened." he laughed and put his hand on my shoulder, his soft hand immediately calmed me down and I looked back into his eyes.

"I really didn't mean to touch you there though." he laughed and just nodded.

"Yeah I know, its okay Rose honestly." I relaxed my shoulders which I hadn't realized were all tensed up. Apparently the distraction I actually had planned didn't work because he leaned his face back near mine and cupped my cheek in his hand. I hitched a breath and stared up at him, I guess if it happens let it happen right? He closed his eyes and kept moving closer to me until his lips were only an inch away from mine. I felt his cool breath against my face and just gave in, closing my eyes and bringing my lips the rest of the way, his soft lips parted, they tasted like vanilla, yum, I tilted my head to the right and leaned deeper into the kiss, moving my left hand behind his neck, keeping his lips against mine. He moved his lips faster and pressed our bodies together, licking my bottom lip, but I didn't give him an entrance because I wasn't about to be that easy. We continued to move our lips in rhythm and I bit his lips, causing him to give a slight moan.

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