Chapter 6.

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Hi. I have my moods. Nothing really seems fair anymore, but then again, is life ever fair? I really try to be optimistic. I really try, but its so hard. I have loads of great friends. Why do I still have to feel like this? Like I said before, life isn't fair. I honestly don't even know what to write about. I've been so happy lately, I don't know why I've started feeling like this again. I'm not losing hope, I just don't know what to do since its been so long. Its like a hidden part of me is coming back, yet its not welcome. At all.

However, I went on this trip. And they taught me something valuable, that's helped me for a while now. They taught me that acknowledging your feelings is the best thing to do. It's like pulling up a chair and welcoming these old feelings back. Because that's what I have to do. Acknowledge my feelings, not trying to push them away, and just letting them be. I don't owe anything to my feelings, I don't have to do anything, just accepting the fact that they're there will be enough. Over the course of the past week, Her words have hurt me more than ever. And with the help of her companions, acquaintances, whatever you wanna call them, they make sure I hurt worse. But of course, this is not a sob story. This is my life, and no matter how hard it is, I'm still gonna make it through. The happiness always comes back, that's what I'm counting on.

Here's me. My completely and utterly raw story. I like to believe that you guys like my life story, no matter how hard it may be for me. I'm here, for you. That can be taken in many ways. I'm here, for you as in I'll always be by your side, which I will be. Maybe not in person, but when has distance every stopped someone? I'm here, for your appreciation and loveliness. I'm here to entertain you, which I hope my life story is interesting. Somewhat, at least. I love you, do you feel the same? The question everyone worries about. Anyways. I'm sorry I haven't updated since a couple months ago, so much has gone by since then. But, I'm better now. I'll still continue writing, writing unfolds my thoughts and makes me feel like I mean something important. Good bye for now, I'll be back. 

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